Planting, caring for & propagating roofleek

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Dachwurz not only look special and beautiful. They are also extremely easy to care for and can even cope well with extreme dry periods.

Badger as ground cover
Dachwurz form leaf rosettes that can form beautiful ground-covering cushions [Photo: Olga Vasilek/]

roof root (Sempervivum tectorum) are probably the best known and most commonly found houseleek species in gardens. They are characterized by their great robustness, the rather large, even rosettes and the high vigour, thanks to which they quickly cover their planting site with a handsome, low cushion pull over


  • Badger: flower, origin and properties
  • The most beautiful roof root varieties
  • Planting roofleek: location and procedure
  • The right care
  • Is badger root hardy?
  • multiply badgerroot
  • Toxicity and use as a medicinal plant

Badger: flower, origin and properties

Dachwurz are also known under the names Thunderwurz, Echte Hauswurz or Dach-Hauswurz and count as succulents to the succulent plants (Crassulaceae). This means they can handle extreme drought as they hold water in their leaves for extended periods Saving time and also significantly adapting their energy metabolism to desert-like conditions to have. Their homeland is not, as one might assume, in a desert, but here in Europe. They are found naturally in many mountain ranges such as the Alps or the Caucasus in rocky, dry and sunny locations.

Badger in the mountains
Natural habitats of Dachwurmzen are often in the mountains [Photo: Marco Barone/]

As evergreen perennials, common ivy is hardy and forms rosettes of leaves with a diameter of 4 to 15 cm. The size depends on the location and the nutrient supply. The larger this is, the larger the rosettes will be. The leaf color depends on the variety, site conditions and season, but in most cases it is green to reddish-brown.

Dachwurz do not flower annually, but only after they have grown as a rosette for a few years. Then the sprout with the leaves begins to stretch, usually 10 to 30 cm, rarely 50 cm. Between July and August, the star-shaped flowers, often pink-red in colour, appear at the top. The life of a rosette ends at the same time as it blossoms, because it then dies and withers.
But that does not mean that the whole plant is lost. Dachwurz multiply independently via offshoots. So they form small daughter rosettes themselves, which begin to grow in the vicinity of the original rosette. If a rosette blooms and then dies, there are always plenty of others that continue to grow, bloom and reproduce.

Flowering badger
Only rosettes that have flowered die afterwards [Photo: LUIS CANDELAS/]

What is the difference between roofleek and houseleek? The houseleek genus (sempervivum) includes about 60 houseleek species. The roof root is just one of them. Even if the two names sound very similar, houseleek means the whole genus sempervivum and badger just the kind Sempervivum tectorum.

The most beautiful roof root varieties

The number of bred Dachwurz varieties is almost unmanageable. This is due to the fact that Dachwurz are intensively bred by special breeders and collectors and cultivated with a wide variety of leaf and flower colors. The varieties presented here are usually readily available on the market and suitable for hobby gardeners.

  • ‘Atroviolaceum’: The old variety was first mentioned in 1929. Its special features are large rosettes and leaves that turn from green to red-violet.
  • ‘Metalicum Giganteum’: 'Metallicum Giganteum' is a variety that forms very large rosettes. The leaf color ranges from green to metallic red-brown.
  • ‘Otello’: 'Othello' is a red umbrella root. Although the leaves are usually not deep red all year round, but also green at times.
  • ‘Noir’: 'Noir' is an umbrella plant hybrid characterized by green leaves with significantly darker, more reddish tips. The red flowers are also an eye-catcher during the flowering period.
Badger with red leaf tips
Some varieties of badger have red leaves or leaf tips [Photo: Ivan Marjanovic/]

Planting roofleek: location and procedure

According to the experience of perennial gardeners, rhododendrons thrive in stone structures, stone joints, wall crowns or in the Alpinum. In nature, too, Dachwurz are usually found in full sun, dry, warm and rocky locations. On the other hand, common garden soil does not like shade, moisture and normal garden soil. It is important to achieve these conditions in the garden as well as possible. Therefore, Dachwurz are considered rock garden plants or particularly suitable for greening roofs. You can also plant Dachwurz in bowls or keep them in the apartment. You can find even more ideas for planters for roofleeks and some suitable planting partners in our article on planting and caring for houseleeks.

Badger on sunny rock
The ideal location for Dachwurz is sunny, rocky and dry [Photo: Matteo Gabrieli/]

Which soil is suitable for Dachwurz?
Sempervivum tectorum prefers a very well drained, rather acidic substrate. Badger also grows well in very nutrient-poor substrates, but thanks to a larger supply of nutrients, larger rosettes. These demands are met, for example, by using our Plantura organic universal soil mixed with expanded clay or gravel in a ratio of 1:1. Our soil is peat-free and consists of 100% natural ingredients. As a result, around 60% less CO is used in their production compared to conventional potting soil2 pushed out. Alternatively, you can use high-quality succulent soil.

Plantura organic universal soil

Plantura organic universal soil

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Procedure for planting roofing roots

  1. If the plant you have purchased already has several rosettes, you can safely separate them before planting and plant them separately. This not only saves money, the young plants also have enough space and areas are overgrown more quickly.
  2. Before planting the roof root, it should be ensured that water can drain well downwards. In planters and normal garden soil, this is achieved by a deep drainage layer. For example, it can consist of pebbles, shards of pottery or split and can fill your planter up to half.
  3. The drainage layer is followed by your coarse plant substrate, which should be slightly moistened but not wet.
  4. Now cover the bed surface with stones and then plant the roof root. Keep a planting distance of about 20 cm and prefer to place the rosettes a little higher. The top layer of stones reduces the likelihood that the lower leaves will begin to rot.
Badger on a stone
Rootworts can even be planted on stones [Photo: Manfred Ruckszio/]

Tip: If you plant your roofleek on stone, planting usually just means laying it flat in a hollow filled with some substrate and pressing down lightly.

The right care

If Dachshunds feel at home at your location, the care of Dachwurz is limited to a minimum. You don't usually have to water them, even during extremely dry periods. Only in the pot is it part of the proper care of Dachwurz at regular intervals. But only water when the soil feels dry even 1 cm below the surface.

Roofworm on a wall
Outside, roof roots don't actually need to be watered [Photo: Dietrich Leppert/]

Sempervivum tectorum is one of the few houseleek species that is slightly more nutritious. Annual fertilization can therefore be part of the care of Dachwurz. The best time to do this is in spring. Be sure to use a slow-release fertilizer that matches the increased potassium requirements of roofing leeks. This applies to ours, for example Plantura organic tomato fertilizer to. It is also 100% animal-free and safe for pets and garden animals.

Since the rosettes of the vines die off after flowering and no longer look beautiful, faded rosettes can simply be removed. It is important that you have allowed the formation of daughter rosettes before flowering so that the plant remains in the garden.

Plantura organic tomato fertilizer

Plantura organic tomato fertilizer

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Is badger root hardy?

Since they tolerate temperatures down to -34 °C, Dachwurz are very hardy.
There can only be problems in wet winters, because when it gets wet, the leaves of the garden leeks quickly begin to rot. For this reason, make sure that no water collects in bowls and pots with roofleeks and that good drainage is ensured for houseleeks in the garden.

Badger in winter
Dachshunds don't mind the cold [Photo: Iuliia Kudrina/]

multiply badgerroot

The propagation of Dachwurz can be done both by offshoots and by seeds. The path via offshoots is much easier. If you are still interested in propagating roofleeks from seeds, you will find the exact procedure in our overview article on houseleeks.

If Dachwurz are propagated via offshoots, the daughter rosettes are genetic clones of the mother rosette. So they will look almost the same. The best time to propagate via offshoots is in spring. But it is possible until autumn.

  1. Prepare the new location for your umbrella root cuttings as described above.
  2. Carefully separate a rosette of leaves from the rest by pulling them apart with your fingers. A sterile knife can also be used to cut through connecting shoot and root pieces.
  3. Try to pull out as many roots as possible with the cutting. This makes it easier for the roof root offshoot to grow later. But don't worry if your cutting kept only a few roots. Dachwurz are able to form new roots relatively quickly.
  4. Plant the offshoot in its new location and water it lightly. Make sure that the rosette is not too deep, but ideally on a layer of stones.
Badger rosette
When propagating roof roots via cuttings, individual rosettes are transplanted [Photo: Nataliia Melnychuk/]

Toxicity and use as a medicinal plant

Basically, Dachwurz are classified as non-toxic. This applies to both humans and animals. However, as with anything, excessive consumption can lead to symptoms of intoxication such as nausea and vomiting.

Dachwurz has been cultivated as a medicinal plant for a long time. They are also the most scientifically studied sempervivum-Art. Studies have shown some of the healing effects of roofing leeks. The effect of Dachwurz can be, among other things, analgesic, antioxidant or anti-inflammatory. mostly will sempervivum but only applied externally, for example in ointments or by giving the plant sap to affected areas.

Roofworm on roof tiles
It used to be believed that a roof root would protect against lightning strikes [Photo: taleksandar/]

A perennial that can also be cultivated as a medicinal plant and is drought tolerant is the Heilziest (Stachys officinalis). Although it needs a little more water than common rootwort, it flowers annually and can also be used to dye fabrics.

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