The most beautiful varieties of lady's eye at a glance

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With its radiant blossoms, the damsel's eye enchants, especially in combination with other prairie perennials. Its variety of species and varieties offers numerous different options.

Blooming girl eyes
The species and varieties differ in many aspects [Photo: Opachevsky Irina/]

Double or single flowers in sulphurous yellow, yellow, orange or multicolored, different growth heights, Longevity and leaf shapes - there really is something for every taste in this selection included. The most famous and popular types and varieties of the girl's eye (Coreopsis) are presented in this article to make your decision a little easier. In the review article on girl eye On the other hand, you will learn everything about location preferences and the care of the beautiful sun shrubs.


  • Checkered Varieties and Species: How Many Are There?
  • An overview of the most beautiful types and varieties of lady's eye
    • Large-flowered Tickseed (Coreopsis grandiflora)
    • Lesser Tickseed (Coreopsis lanceolata)
    • Whorled Tickseed (Coreopsis verticillata)
    • Tall Girl's Eye (Coreopsis tripteris)
    • Pink Flowered Tickseed (Coreopsis rosea)
    • Dyer's Girl's Eye (Coreopsis tinctoria)

Checkered Varieties and Species: How Many Are There?

The genus of the lady's eye includes about 115 species. A large variety of these can be found in eastern North America, Mexico and the Andes. Due to the close relationship with the genus Bidens there have already been some rearrangements in the taxonomic area within the variants. Both also represent the genera with the greatest species richness of the tribe Coreopsideae. But it doesn't stop with the diversity of species, because there are also numerous varieties of the species used as ornamental plants.

An overview of the most beautiful types and varieties of lady's eye

The best-known and most beautiful species and varieties that are cultivated as ornamental plants are presented in more detail below. You can find out how to overwinter and propagate the lady's eye after you have decided on a variety in our further article.

Coreopsis grandiflora
The flowers of the beautiful face have an intense luminosity [Photo: Raketir/]

Large-flowered Maideneye (Coreopsis grandiflora)

The growth habit of the large-flowered damsel's eye is bushy and clumpy, it reaches heights of between 40 and 80 cm. The leaves are mainly basal and on the lower 2/3 of the stem. The bright flowers of this species can be single, semi-double or double. The unfilled varieties are best suited for use as insect pasture. The Large-flowered Maidenhair can be planted in smaller groups at a distance of 40 cm. With the exception of ˈEarlySunriseˈ, the following varieties of this species can withstand temperatures of up to around – 23 °C.

Tip: The large-flowered damsel's-eye is also ideal for cutting, as the flowers last up to 14 days in the vase.

Yellow Tickseed Flower
The flower color is intense yellow to orange [Photo: DreamSuccess/]
  • Coreopsis grandiflora ˈChristchurchˈ: The orange-yellow, single flowers of this variety can last into October. Even the intense green foliage still shows some color in winter. The variety grows compactly and reaches a height of about 50 cm. It also impresses with its vitality and longevity.
  • Coreopsis grandiflora ˈEarly Sunriseˈ: This variety bears its golden yellow, semi-double flowers, which are also suitable for cutting, from June to October. In contrast to most other varieties, ˈEarly Sunriseˈ is hardy to around -17 °C.
Girl's Eye 'Early Sunrise'
The double flowers of ˈEarly Sunriseˈ create a striking look [Photo: Kyaw Thiha/]
  • Coreopsis grandiflora ˈFull Moonˈ: This free-flowering variety bears its delicate, light yellow flowers well into September. It reaches a height of about 50 - 60 cm and is a vigorous and healthy perennial.

little girls eye (Coreopsis lanceolata)

Due to its limited growth height of a maximum of 40 cm, the Little Girl's Eye is well suited for planting in tubs. Due to its drought tolerance, it can even be used for planting in stone structures. The Little Girl's Eye feels at home on moderately dry to maximally fresh, well-drained loamy soil or porous gravel. It copes well with summer droughts and the flowering period of this species extends from June to September. The petals of the flowers are conspicuously incised and, depending on the variety, can be bright yellow or yellow with a red tint towards the center of the flower. This species is also particularly suitable for planting in small groups about 30 cm apart. The little girl's eye survives a maximum of minus temperatures down to - 23 °C.

Yellow-orange girl's eye
The Little Girl's Eye has incised edges on the petals of the flower [Photo: coreopsis-lancelota/]
  • Coreopsis lanceolata robin: The golden-yellow flowers of the variety have a red-rimmed eye. With its compact growth, it reaches a height of about 20 - 30 cm and is therefore well suited for planting in the foreground of borders or for cottage gardens.
  • Coreopsis lanceolata ˈGoldfinchˈ: The very compact perennial has pure golden yellow flowers and reaches a height of 20 - 25 cm.
  • Coreopsis lanceolata ˈStartalerˈ: Similar to ˈRobinˈ, this variety has a red-brown colored center of the flower. It grows dense and bushy and is about 25 - 40 cm high. In addition, the variety is suitable for cutting.
Girl Eyes Meadow
The flower stalks stand upright against the bushy growth [Photo: Tony Baggett/]

Whorl-Leaf Maideneye (Coreopsis verticillata)

A striking feature of the Whorled Maideneye, which is already described by the name, is the delicate foliage of this species. It is also known as needle-leaved damsel or reticulated star. The petals of the flowers are rather narrow and have a pointed or rounded shape. The flowers appear in large numbers, also from June to September. In addition, all of the following varieties are suitable for cutting and can be planted in smaller groups as well as in larger groups 30 to 35 cm apart. The location of Coreopsis verticillata should be at least summer-dry and at most fresh. Also suitable are stony soils that are moderately nutrient-rich, since the species tends to spread widely on sites that are too fertile. In contrast to the short-lived species, the lanceolate-leaved harlequin convinces as a perennial and robust perennial, which develops into lush stocks with the help of short runners. In favorable locations, the species can even self-disperse through seeding, making it a good candidate for this Black box gardening represent. The whorl-leaved harlequin also withstands temperatures down to around – 23 °C.

  • Coreopsis verticillata ˈgrandifloraˈ: This floriferous variety can reach a height of 60 cm and has golden-yellow, pointed petals.
  • Coreopsis verticillata ˈZagrebˈ: The flowers of the ˈZagrebˈ variety are also golden yellow, but the habit is short and compact with a height of about 30 cm.
Coreopsis verticillata
The delicate foliage of this species looks extremely filigree [Photo: mizy/]
  • Coreopsis verticillata ˈMoonbeamˈ: This variety is a hybrid, which was probably created by crossing Coreopsis rosea has arisen. The flowers are colored in a bright sulfur yellow and form a great contrast to the dark green foliage. ˈMoonbeamˈ is about 40 cm high.
Light yellow girl's eye
The sulfur yellow flowers of ˈMoonbeamˈ can be combined in many ways [Photo: nomis_h/]

high girl eye (Coreopsis tripteris)

The high girl's eye lives up to its name with growth heights of 150 to 240 cm. This species can also spread through rhizome runners, but does not become rampant. Nevertheless, it is best planted individually or in small groups of 1 to 3 plants, spaced 120 cm apart. The leaves of Coreopsis tripteris have a conspicuous tripartition and the yellow, loosely distributed flowers appear from around the end of July to September. The high girl's eye is robust and assertive and convinces with good stability. It prefers rather fresh, loamy to humic and nutrient-rich soils. The species can even withstand temperatures down to around -34 °C.

  • Coreopsis tripteris ˈFlower Towerˈ: This variety reaches a proud height of 180 - 240 cm and has strong stems. On the other hand, she has a rather short flowering time of 4 – 5 weeks.
  • Coreopsis tripteris ˈGold Standardˈ: With a growth height of 150 - 180 cm, ˈGold Standardˈ is somewhat more compact in shape.
  • Coreopsis tripteris ˈRed Novemberˈ: The unusual and name-defining feature of this variety is the crimson colored foliage in autumn. ˈRed Novemberˈ reaches heights of 150 - 200 cm.
Tall girl's eye
Good stability is particularly important for such tall species [Photo: Roadrunner1866/]

Pink Flowering Girl's Eye (Coreopsis rosea)

The pink flowering lady's eye also has narrow, needle-shaped foliage and enchants with the different color variations of its flowers. Since this species is also a compact, low-growing perennial, planting in a pot is also an option here. The requirement for fresh to moist soil without waterlogging can be easily met by watering potted plants. In contrast to the other species, the different varieties offer a fairly extensive repertoire of flower colors, but mostly pink tones. Since the pink-flowered damsel's-eye is only hardy to about -15 °C, a light winter protection is necessary in rough locations.

Pink girl eye
These soft pink blossoms adorn the balcony or patio perfectly [Photo: Hanna Yohanna/]
  • Coreopsis rosea ˈAmerican Dreamˈ: The flowers of this variety are light pink in color and appear from July to September. The growth is compact and cushion-like and reaches a height of 20-30 cm.
  • Coreopsis rosea ˈLimerock Rubyˈ: The radiating, red colored flowers of this upright growing variety can be admired from August to September. It grows to a height of 25 cm and can be used as a cut flower and container plant.
Red girl eye
The intense red flowers of ˈLimerock Rubyˈ look almost elegant [Photo: Nadya So/]
  • Coreopsis rosea ˈSnowberryˈ: This variety has a very unusual, two-tone flower coloring from July to September. With a height of 30 - 40 cm, it can be used in many ways.
Girl's Eye 'Snowberry'
The multicolored flowers create a strong contrast [Photo: Gardens by Design/]
  • Coreopsis rosea ˈLime Rock Dreamˈ: This variety opens its gorgeous, apricot-colored flowers from August to September. It reaches a height of 20-25 cm.

Dyer's Girl's Eye (Coreopsistinctoria)

The dyer's girl's eye is an annual species with a growth height of about 50 to 80 cm. The attractive, yellow flowers with a reddish-brown center appear from early July to late September and make excellent cut flowers. Cutting back after the first flowering can encourage new growth. Cultivation works best on well-drained, nutrient-rich, dry to fresh soil. A planting distance of 20 by 25 cm should be ensured. The dyer's girl's eye is not hardy.

Yellow-red girl's eye
Coreopsis tinctoria was also used to dye textiles [Photo: Filippo Cogotti/]

A perennial that has very similar location requirements to the beautiful face is the Heilziest (Stachys officinalis). In addition, the real betony was long considered an important medicinal plant in European herbal medicine.

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