Recognize birch mushroom: 8 important characteristics

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Identify birch fungus

The birch mushroom needs optimal conditions to grow. In addition to the right location with suitable vegetation, the weather is crucial for the development of a fruiting body. You can recognize the birch mushroom by these characteristics.

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In a nutshell

  • Birch mushroom popular edible mushroom
  • Cap brownish and stem with dark scales
  • Bleed remains white
  • Location necessarily linked to birch occurrences
  • Collection time from June

Table of Contents

  • cap
  • tubes
  • stalk
  • Odor
  • meat
  • taste
  • Location
  • fruiting body formation
  • frequently asked Questions


The hat of the birch mushroom (Leccinum scabrum) is curved and rather uneven, especially in older specimens. When young, it is usually hemispherical and has a diameter of 4 to 16 cm. Older specimens can reach a hat diameter of around 26 cm. The hat is then rather flattened.

The hat can have the following colors:

  • grey-brown
  • yellow-brown
  • reddish brown

The skin cannot be pulled off the hat.

Hat of the birch mushroom

A notice: Especially in the morning dew or after a rain the hat is shinier and slightly slippery.


The tubes of the young birch mushroom are whitish. In older mushrooms, they become progressively grayer. In addition, the tubes can be easily removed from older specimens.

A notice: The tubes are heavily indented around the stem.


The basic color of the stem is a dirty white. It has white to black-brown scales that are less or less towards the top. get brighter.


  • Length: 5 to 15 cm
  • Diameter: 1 to 3.5 cm
Birch mushroom stalk

The shape is rather slim. In young mushrooms, the stem is wider at the base and narrows towards the cap. In older birch mushrooms, the upward taper is no longer pronounced.


The smell of the birch mushroom is rather neutral. A slight mushroom note can only be perceived in older specimens.


The flesh of the birch mushroom is whitish to off-white. The meat does not discolour when cut.

You can recognize the birch mushroom by this behavior when cooking:

  • gray discoloration when heated
  • Meat becomes slightly slimy
Sliced ​​birch mushroom - view of the flesh

A notice: In older specimens, the raw meat is rather wobbly to cotton-like.


The taste of the raw birch mushroom is very mild. It can occasionally taste a bit sour.

Carry out the taste test correctly:

  • break off a 2 to 3 mm piece
  • pieces of mushroom maybe bite easily
  • move fungus in mouth
  • Do not swallow mushroom
  • Rinse your mouth afterwards

A notice: Flavor alone is not an indication of an edible mushroom. There are many poisonous mushrooms that taste quite pleasant when tasted.


Like many other fungi, the birch fungus has a sensitive mycorrhizal connection with other plants. As its name suggests, it needs birches (Betula) as a partner.

Birch mushrooms next to old birch trunk

The fungi thrive particularly well in larger stands of birch trees with correspondingly low vegetation around the trees. You therefore have a good chance of spotting a birch mushroom there. However, one birch can be enough for birch fungi to settle there.

fruiting body formation

The formation of the fruit bodies depends on the weather. In a humid and warm summer, fruiting bodies can form early.

The formation of fruiting bodies is possible from June. Usually However, the first mushrooms can only be found from the middle to the end of August. A formation of fruiting bodies can take place into October.

frequently asked Questions

Is the birch mushroom poisonous?

The birch fungus can be confused with the black birch fungus (Leccinum scabrum var. melaneum), the variegated boletus (Leccinum variicolor), the hornbeam boletus (Leccinellum pseudoscabrum) and the blushing birch fungus (Leccinum oxydabile). However, all species are also edible.

What mushrooms can the birch mushroom be confused with?

The birch fungus can be confused with the black birch fungus (Leccinum scabrum var. melaneum), the variegated boletus (Leccinum variicolor), the hornbeam boletus (Leccinellum pseudoscabrum) and the blushing birch fungus (Leccinum oxydabile). However, all species are also edible.

How to properly clean birch mushrooms?

Like most other edible mushrooms, birch mushrooms should only be held under running water for a short time if they are very dirty. In all other cases, we recommend using kitchen towels or special mushroom brushes to gently clean mushrooms.

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