Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes?

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Guinea pig with small tomato

Hay, grass and leaves are usually the main diet of guinea pigs. However, they also love a bit of variety in their daily feed rations. That's why guinea pigs like to eat tomatoes in between meals.

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In a nutshell

  • only feed ripe and soft tomatoes
  • slowly get used to the change in feed
  • Give tomatoes only two or twice a week
  • only in small portions
  • Remove stems and leaves first

Table of Contents

  • Tomatoes offer variety
  • No sole feed
  • Just small pieces
  • Tomatoes are healthy
  • frequently asked Questions

Tomatoes offer variety

Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus form. domestica) belong to the herbivores (plant eaters). They feed mainly on herbaceous plants such as grasses and herbs, leaves and 80 percent of hay. The addition of fruit and vegetables can upgrade the feed and provide the animals with important vitamins and trace elements. For these reasons, Guinea pig also eat tomatoes. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when feeding:

  • feed only soft and ripe tomatoes
  • must have a color typical of the variety such as red, orange or green
  • ripe tomatoes can be easily detached from the fruit stalk
  • Remove all leaves or other green parts of plants

Under no circumstances should you feed the guinea pigs unripe tomatoes. A high proportion of solanine is contained in the immature nightshade plants (Solanaceae) as well as in leaves and stems. This substance is poisonous to animals.

Rinse the tomatoes under the tap

A notice: Thorough washing is necessary when using tomatoes from the supermarket. Attention should be paid to organic goods.

No sole feed

Tomatoes are not a complete feed, but only serve as a supplement to the feed ration. Do not feed the fruit every day as it contains a lot of acid and also sugar. Sugar can quickly lead to obesity and eventually diabetes in the small rodents. The acid can also cause lip scabs (cheylitis). Larger amounts cause diarrhea and vomiting, along with dehydration. Therefore, guinea pigs should eat tomatoes only

  • occasionally as a treat in between or
  • once or twice a week with the daily feed ration


A notice: In the case of lip scab, initially weeping and later scabby eczema appear on the corners of the mouth and lips. There can also be further inflammation of other parts of the body, such as the nose and face. Veterinary treatment is necessary.

Just small pieces

Guinea pig eats tomato

The change of feed should always be done slowly, as guinea pigs react sensitively to a change of feed. They need to be gradually accustomed to tomatoes. The vegetables are offered to the animal in small pieces or slices. This makes it easier to chew and swallow. So it should

  • only small pieces
  • a slice or
  • small cherry tomato

be administered. Remaining remains are to be removed from the enclosure after one hour at the latest. Due to the high water content, the tomato spoils very quickly and also pulls fruit flies on.

Tomatoes are healthy

Tomatoes contain fiber, trace elements and vitamins B6, C, K and A. These ingredients have a positive effect on growth in general, digestion, the immune system and bone and muscle development. Vitamin C is particularly important because rodents cannot produce it themselves. A lack of it can lead to deficiency symptoms such as scurvy.

A notice: Some guinea pigs showallergic reactions such as swelling of the mouth and throat after eating tomatoes. Then it is necessary to give a lot of water and to refrain from feeding tomatoes.

frequently asked Questions

Which fruits and vegetables can be fed to guinea pigs?

Leafy greens, carrot greens, and dandelion. Only small amounts should be administered, otherwise flatulence will occur. In addition, guinea pigs also like to eat fennel, courgettes, peppers, cucumbers and herbs, as well as bananas, apples and melons. Various types of cabbage such as broccoli, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, kale and cauliflower are also very popular. However, they should only be administered in small doses.

What should you never feed guinea pigs?

The food must not come moldy, cooked or straight from the fridge. It should be at room temperature and washed carefully beforehand. In no case should potatoes be given. The animals cannot properly digest the starch it contains, which can lead to health problems. Furthermore, onion plants such as leeks and chives, but also radishes, radishes and peas, beans, lentils or citrus fruits are not suitable for feeding.

How much food does a guinea pig need per day?

The animals should not be given too much food as they cannot control their food intake. The individual amount of feed depends on the weight of the animal. A guinea pig can weigh between 700 and 1800 g. The amount of food should be 10% of the weight. So if the animal weighs 1000 g, it needs 100 g of feed per day. This amount should be divided into three rations. A maximum of a quarter of the daily feed ration can consist of fruit.

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