Palm tree gets brown leaves: what to do?

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Palm gets title brown leaves

Suddenly, the decorative palm shows brown leaf tips and leaves. If it is just a single leaf, then this is normal. However, if more brown leaves can be seen on the plant, then it is time to get to the bottom of the cause.

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In a nutshell

  • various causes of brown leaves on palm trees
  • Main reason: Error in the water supply
  • Pests, too little light or care errors are also possible reasons
  • Always remove brown leaves
  • Again, prevention is better than cure

Table of Contents

  • causes
  • measures
  • Optimize water supply
  • fight pests
  • iron or nutrient deficiency
  • Prevent
  • frequently asked Questions


If palm trees develop brown leaves, the cause must often be found in the water supply. Other causes are:

  • pests
  • too dark location
  • iron deficiency
  • general nutrient deficiency
Palm tree with brown leaf

A notice: Brown or yellow spots on palm leaves are usually an indication of sunburn. This often happens when moving from winter quarters to a place in the sun. Remove the damaged leaves directly from the trunk and choose another location.


If the leaves first turn yellow and then brown, various measures can be taken here, depending on the problem that has occurred. The first thing to do, however, is to either completely remove or at least prune any damaged leaves:

  • remove completely brown and yellow leaves or fronds directly on the trunk
  • Remove dead leaves without cutting
  • with brown leaf tips carefully sharper Scissors cut along the dried edge
  • don't cut anything into the lush green
  • leave about a millimeter of dried out
Cut off yellow leaves on palm tree with scissors

A notice: Cut into the green, then the leaves will continue to dry up here. Bacteria and fungi can also penetrate better here.

Optimize water supply

There are two watering errors that cause brown leaves on palm trees. On the one hand the soil is too dry, on the other hand it can also be too wet and the roots rot as a result. Even then, the plant can no longer absorb water. If one of the two causes is the case, take the following measures:

  • water immediately if there is a shortage of water
  • if possible, immerse the pot in a bucket of water
  • Pour off the water from the collecting plate after half an hour
  • otherwise there is a risk of waterlogging
  • then water regularly but moderately
  • If the soil is too wet, remove the plant from the pot
  • remove all soil from roots
  • Inspect roots for damage and trim if necessary
  • let dry for a short time without soil
  • then plant in fresh palm substrate in a new pot
water palm

Was the palm in fresh substrate set, then you should only water them very carefully for the first few weeks. However, the soil must not dry out. Before filling in the fresh soil, you should also create a drainage over the drain hole.

Tip: So that the watering works, the plant can also be placed in hydroponics. Here, a stick shows the exact water requirement and it usually has to be watered less overall.

fight pests

Spider mites are pests that like to settle on plants in winter quarters. Palm trees are (unfortunately) no exception. If you discover spider mites, you should do the following immediately:

  • wash with a soft, damp cloth
  • Make a mix of water (1 liter) and curd soap (about 15 to 30 grams).
  • Spray the plant with this often
  • pay attention to the humidity in the room
  • too high humidity promotes infestation
palm tree with pest

Tip: If the location is too dark for the palm tree, this can be remedied immediately by simply moving the plant to a bright location that is not too warm. Both a bright stairwell and an unheated conservatory are ideal for this.

iron or nutrient deficiency

If the palm gets brown leaves and if neither the watering nor pests or a location that is too dark are to blame for this, then it can also be a question of a nutrient deficiency:

  • use special liquid fertilizer for palm trees
  • contains all important nutrients
  • administer according to the manufacturer's instructions
  • Palme recovers after a few weeks
  • don't over-fertilize
  • can also damage plants

Tip: You can administer liquid fertilizer with the irrigation water. However, make sure that you only put it on moist and not on dry soil. Otherwise the roots can be burned by the fertilizer when they have dried out.


palm tree at the window

With the right care, you can prevent brown leaves on your palm trees. These include:

  • choose a suitable bright sunny location
  • keep it bright even in winter
  • water regularly
  • Don't let the soil get too dry
  • avoid waterlogging
  • Check regularly for pest infestation
  • fertilize properly
  • make sure there is enough iron in the fertilizer
  • Use liquid fertilizer specifically for palm trees
  • Pay attention to the manufacturer's information on frequency

Tip: Especially when the palm trees are in the winter quarters with other plants, there can be an increased infestation by pests.

frequently asked Questions

What do I have to consider when removing the brown leaves from the different types of palm trees?

Even if there are different types of palm trees and they are very different in their appearance, the growth behavior is the same for all of them. Therefore, when removing the leaves, the same method should be used for all species.

Do palm trees need pruning overall?

A cut is not necessary for all types of palm trees and is not desired at all. You should only remove these if the leaves are brown underneath and are dying due to age. Because palm trees have the property of constantly developing new leaves and fronds from the centre, the heart of the plant. If you cut here, the growth of the plant will also stop.

Will my damaged palm tree recover?

If next to the brown leaves there is at least one rich green and strong frond and also the heart of the palm tree is still in order, the plant can usually still be saved if it is given the right care from now on receives. With a little patience, the palm tree will recover and continue to grow healthily upwards.