Does coffee grounds help against moss in the lawn?

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Coffee grounds against moss in the lawn

Moss-covered lawn is a real challenge for every hobby gardener. Some people then reach for the chemical club, but this is not necessary at all, because home remedies can also help. This is how coffee grounds help against moss in the lawn.

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In a nutshell

  • Coffee grounds effective against moss
  • strengthens lawn grasses
  • dry before use
  • deliver at the right time
  • Don't forget to water afterwards

Table of contents

  • Coffee grounds for moss control
  • correct application
  • drying coffee grounds
  • Discharge dried coffee grounds
  • Then water
  • frequently asked Questions

Coffee grounds for moss control

Under unfavorable conditions, such as when the soil is too acidic, moss in the lawn spread. If nothing is done about it, it will continue to spread and gradually crowd out the lawn grasses. Before countermeasures are started, a soil analysis should be carried out in order to the pH value to test.

Measure soil pH with test strips
Test kits for determining the soil pH value are available from specialist retailers.

Coffee grounds, among other things, are a good way to combat moss, especially because of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium they contain. This is how it works against moss in the lawn:

  • Coffee grounds gradually release nutrients
  • Effect lasts for a longer period of time
  • strengthens the grasses, makes them more resistant
  • can hold their ground better against mosses and weeds
  • Moss is fought and lawn is fertilized at the same time
  • optimal pH between 5.5 and 6.5

A notice: Fighting moss in this way is particularly useful on smaller lawns, because the larger the area, the more coffee grounds are required.

correct application

If you want to fight moss with coffee grounds, you need a large amount of it, so it has to be collected over several days. You should not first collect a large amount and only then dry it, but always dry it immediately after removal. Otherwise there is a risk of mold formation. How to use coffee grounds against moss in the lawn correctly.

drying coffee grounds

Dry coffee grounds on plate
  • Spread out thinly and evenly on a flat tray or baking sheet
  • do not form piles
  • allow to air dry in a sheltered place
  • or in the oven for 30 minutes at 50 degrees
  • spread the coffee grounds on the baking sheet
  • Place in the oven, leaving the oven door ajar
  • check the drying status from time to time
  • Coffee grounds can burn easily
  • Allow dry goods to cool down and use accordingly
  • Longer storage possible in a well-sealed container

Tip: If you have a restaurant near you, you can ask for coffee grounds there, because larger quantities are usually produced here.

Discharge dried coffee grounds

Woman brings out dried coffee grounds
  • ideally on an overcast day in the early morning hours
  • Conditions for nutrient uptake are best now
  • about 50 g of material per square meter of lawn
  • spread with your hand or a spoon
  • Recommended to use several times a year
  • in spring, summer and autumn
  • ensures year-round nutrient supply

Then water

So that coffee grounds can develop their full effect against moss in the lawn, the green area must be watered after it has been removed. This is the only way he can penetrate the soil. A conventional one is available for this lawn sprinkler or a watering can with a sprinkler. The garden hose is less suitable, because too strong a jet of water could wash away most of the coffee grounds and spoil an even distribution.

Lawn sprinkler waters lawn

A notice: Patience is required. Of course, it cannot be assumed that the moss will disappear after a day or two, because coffee grounds, as already mentioned, gradually develop their effect.

frequently asked Questions

How can moss formation in lawns be prevented?

In order to effectively prevent moss in the lawn, it is important to know the causes of its formation and to take appropriate countermeasures, especially with regard to nutrient deficiency, soil conditions and Mistakes in mowing, to take. The lawn should be mowed regularly, but not too deep. Needs-based fertilization is also important, as well as in the spring scarifying the lawnto remove tangles, weeds and moss. When watering, it is also important to avoid waterlogging. Who lays new lawn, should choose an open, light-flooded location right from the start.

Can liming help against moss in the lawn?

Lime is especially helpful and useful when the soil is too acidic or too dry. the pH is too low. If it is below 5.5, lime should be used. Lime has an alkaline effect, it raises the pH value so that moss no longer finds optimal conditions. To be sure that the soil needs lime, you should test the pH level. Above a value of 6.9, lime should no longer be used.

Also works against coffee grounds lawn weeds?

Yes, it works above all against horn, white and purple clover as well as yellow sweet clover. Before coffee grounds are used here, the lawn should be scarified. In this way, a large part of the weeds can be removed in advance. Only then is the coffee grounds spread evenly over the surface.

Is it possible to additionally protect damp, loamy soil from moss?

It is well known that moss grows particularly well on moist and loamy soil. To counteract this, you can distribute a two to three centimeter thick layer of coarse sand on the lawn in spring after the first mowing operation. It is best to repeat the whole thing every spring. After a few years, the lawn will be more vital and significantly less moss will form.

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