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Harvest elderberries and process them properly

The berries of the elder are rich in healthy ingredients such as vitamins. Harvesting is expensive. It's worth the effort...

Fern as a houseplant: 13 popular species

Ferns are easy-care houseplants that create a tropical ambience. Some species are suitable for extreme locations that ...

Does coffee grounds help against voles?

Voles are among the worst enemies in the garden. They eat almost any vegetable, fruit strings...

Properly remove cement-concrete residues from pavement

When grouting a paved surface or various construction projects on your own property, concrete or cement residues are not uncommon. Different ...

Coffee grounds against clover in the lawn: does it help?

Clover in the lawn can spread very quickly. If not combated, the lawn area can be completely destroyed. ...

15 flowers for the graveyard for little water

Especially in summer when the temperatures are high, the way to the cemetery can be difficult and watering can take a long time...

Remove weeds between stone joints: 7 home remedies

Weeds keep growing between stones and in the joints of terrace or path slabs. However, this can be done with different ...

22 grasses for the balcony box

With the right plants, balconies can be transformed into real oases of well-being, for example by planting balcony boxes with ...

Alocasia: Elephant Ear gets yellow leaves

The elephant ear is a plant that produces beautiful decorative large leaves. But what could be the reasons behind...

Underplanting cherry trees: 7 planting ideas

Underplanting can be good for the cherry tree if you choose suitable plants. What is it about...

Can dragonflies sting or bite?

Dragonflies (Odonata) prefer to buzz around near bodies of water and thus also around garden ponds. The question often arises as to whether...

Plant lamb's lettuce in raised beds

Lamb's lettuce contains a variety of valuable ingredients. In order to enjoy the bioactive substances, you don't need a ...

Wood chips in the garden: all the pros and cons

Wood chips are very suitable as a design element in natural gardens. The use is not only limited to the ...

Raised bed planting plan for 1. and 2. Year

A freshly filled raised bed offers nutrients in abundance. But already in the second year...

Do coffee and coffee grounds help against mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are not only very annoying in the house, but also in the garden when you are socializing in the evening. ...

Do coffee grounds act as fertilizer for roses?

Coffee grounds are used in the garden to fertilize different types of plants. Roses, when used properly, coffee grounds can...

What to do against thunderstorm creatures on the skin?

Thunderstorm creatures on the skin in summer can be very annoying. But where do they come from and how can be avoided ...

Raised bed open or closed at the bottom?

Raised beds are becoming increasingly popular. They promise back-friendly processing and bring high yields. There are both closed at the bottom, ...

Can you plant zucchini deeper when pricking?

Cucurbits produce many fruits during the summer. Cultivation is always worthwhile. The plants are growing...

Woodlice in the raised bed: How to get rid of them

Woodlice can be found in all dark, damp and cool places. You can also get lost in the raised bed and ...

What to plant in September 25 planting ideas

As the gardening season draws to a close, the list of plants to plant gets shorter. Away ...

Everblooming bed planting plan

Every gardener's dream of an ever-blooming bed can come true. But before the flower show can begin, ...

Do you have to cut chives for them to grow back?

Chives are a common culinary herb that can be harvested several times a year if you cut them properly. But ...

Heavy feeders in the raised bed: the ultimate list

A raised bed in the garden offers the best growing conditions for vegetables and co. and guarantees a rich harvest without loo...

Repot the Strelitzia properly

With its extraordinary flowers, the Strelitzia is literally the bird of paradise among plants. She is in ...

Only fill the raised bed with soil: is it advisable?

Conventional raised beds are filled with layers of different materials. But can you fill the raised bed with just soil?

17 popular edible mushrooms with sponge

In the mushroom season, many people head into the woods to look for the delicious treasures. ...

Cut off faded sunflowers in the pot?

When sunflowers (Helianthus) wither in the pot, many hobby gardeners ask themselves whether they should be cut off or left ...

create a crater bed

Crater beds protect plants from frost and wind, extend the growing season and can even make watering easier. ...

When do chillies and hot peppers turn red?

The ripening time of chili and pepperoni differs only slightly. Chilies and hot peppers don't always have to be red to...

Dry the chives properly

It is often the case that not as many chives are needed as there is in a pot. So that ...

How do I know if a pepper is ripe?

Red, yellow, orange, green or even striped - peppers come in many colors and shapes. But how do you recognize...

Planting cucumbers and zucchini together: yes or no?

Zucchini and cucumbers are the perfect self-sufficient vegetables. They grow quickly and, in good conditions, produce numerous ...

Plant tangerine seeds: Grow a tangerine tree

You can easily grow a tangerine tree yourself. The optimal growing conditions are important for this. In this guide we reveal...

20 spring flowers in a pot

Spring flowers herald the gardening season and are a beautiful touch of color in living spaces in pots. There are ...

14 poisonous blue berries in our homeland

In the German-speaking countries there are numerous plants that are decorated with poisonous fruits. We present you 14 ...

Dill location here he feels comfortable

Dill is undemanding and very easy to care for. However, for good growth and high crop yields, the right soil is...

Cut chives correctly: this is important

Like many other garden herbs, chives need regular pruning for healthy and vigorous growth. ...

Small black dots on plant: what is that?

Small black dots on a plant do not bode well. That's why you should quickly search for the cause in order to find coarser ...

Alocasia Species: 20 Popular Arrow Leaf Varieties

One of the most popular houseplants is the Alocasia. It inspires with its extraordinary leaves. Below are the 20...

Freeze elderberries - this is how it works

You can find these healthy powerhouses along the way, in forest clearings or cultivated in your home garden. Unfortunately, the fresh elderberries spoil ...

Sow dill: when and how? | Information for pot and field

The spicy dill is an annual plant that needs to be reseeded regularly. The when and...

Mark out right angles in the garden

Marking out a right angle in the garden can be necessary for various reasons. This guide shows how it works on different...

Increasing humidity in the greenhouse: 5 methods

When using greenhouses, the question often arises as to how the necessary humidity is achieved. We put...

The perfect humidity in the greenhouse

Optimal humidity has a positive effect on plant growth. If the humidity is not right, this can lead to the development of diseases ...

Calathea White Fusion: care

The Calathea White Fusion is considered one of the most beautiful basket marants. Its special feature is the white brushstrokes on green...

Can you fertilize eucalyptus with coffee grounds?

Coffee grounds contain valuable ingredients that are valuable nutrients for various plants such as eucalyptus. What all ...

Increase humidity in the room: 11 methods

The right humidity is not only important for physical well-being. In winter, the air in the room quickly becomes too ...

Attach the bubble wrap to the raised bed: this is how it works

When building a raised bed, bubble wrap is attached to keep the substrate in the container. It must be precisely laid and fixed ...

Bow hemp: the ideal location

The bow hemp is a robust plant that also forgives care mistakes. If you know the preferences of the plant, such as the optimal location,...

Climbing aid for peas: 8 ideas

If peas gain weight due to fruiting, a climbing aid is essential for a bountiful harvest. In the following 8 ...

Fighting lice on roses: natural remedies

Lice on roses are not just a blemish and uncomfortable. The pests can also spread other diseases.

18 flowers for dry sunny locations

The dry and hot summers, which have been increasing in recent years, pose a particular challenge for many flowers. ...

39 allergy-causing plants

Allergy-causing plants are often found in your own premises, in the garden or in nature. Even popular ornamental plants belong...

When are zucchini ripe?

Finding the right time to harvest zucchini is not that easy for the inexperienced gardener. Because the color...

Plant the leek roots and let them grow back

Growing new plants from vegetable waste also works with leeks. This trend is called "regrowing", but there are ...

Properly cut roses for the vase Title

A fragrant bouquet of roses is always a welcome gift that you want to keep for as long as possible. Important ...

Build flower pot heater yourself

Whether it's a flower pot heater or a tea light oven - behind the terms there is an idea that is as simple as it is efficient and creative to create ...

When to Pile Potatoes Title

If you want to grow potatoes in your own garden, you must also note that you should pile them up. When the...

Fat hen brown spots & yellow leaves: what to do? l

Plants grouped under the term fat hen are generally extremely resilient to diseases and pests.

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