Does dill germinate in the light or in the dark?

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Is dill light germinator or dark germinator?

Dill is one of the most popular herbs in the kitchen. When sowing, location, soil and sowing depth are crucial. Therefore, the question arises whether dill is a light germinator or a dark germinator. You can find the answer here.

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In a nutshell

  • Treat dill as a light germ when sowing
  • do not cover with soil
  • Prefer not recommended
  • sow broadcast from April
  • pay attention to the correct temperatures

Table of contents

  • Light and dark germs
  • dill seeds
  • sow dill
  • time
  • Neighboring plants for dill
  • frequently asked Questions

Light and dark germs

The terms light germinator and dark germinator refer to the light conditions that the seeds need to overcome the germ barrier. If dark germs are exposed to direct light, this leads to germination inhibition. If light germs are too deep in the ground, they get too little light and do not start to germinate. The pivotal point for successful germination is therefore the sowing depth. A general rule of thumb for the layer of soil over the seed is:

  • Light germination: maximum height of the covering soil corresponds to the thickness of the seeds
  • Dark germinators: plant twice as deep as the seeds are high

dill seeds

Woman pours dill seeds from a bag onto her hand

Experts regularly disagree on the question of whether dill germinates in the light or in the dark. However, since dill seeds are only a few millimeters in size and therefore very small, garden dill (bot. Anethum graveolens var. hortorum) to be assigned to the light germs. In addition, the delicate seedlings of the dill plants do not manage to fight their way up through a thick layer of soil.

sow dill

You can dill both Sow in pots as well as outdoors. However, since the herb is sensitive to transplanting, it is not advisable to prefer young plants. When sowing directly into the bed, proceed as follows:

  • Loosen the soil, remove stones and weeds
  • sow widely
  • Sow in a row: flat, row spacing a good 20 centimetres
  • pour overflowing (ensures traction)
Sow dill in the bed

After sowing, keep the bed moist. Remove emerging weeds immediately as they prevent Anethum graveolens from growing.

Tip: Since there is a risk of fusarium wilt in dill seedlings, you should give the herb every year a new location give. This reduces the risk of infection, since the fungus is mostly in the ground.


The right time to sow dill depends on the outside temperature. For the first sowing in spring, she must

  • be at least +15 degrees Celsius
  • over a period of two to four weeks

According to the calendar, these conditions will be in place from April. In mild areas, sowing can take place as early as March. In rough locations, you should only sow dill from mid-May so that the seeds are not damaged by late night frosts.

A notice: As the year progresses, you can sow dill seeds at three-week intervals until August. However, in summer the temperature must not exceed +30 degrees Celsius.

Neighboring plants for dill

Man waters bed on which dill grows along with onions and carrots
Dill gets along well in the vegetable patch or with herb garden with most of the potential neighbors.

Dill's good neighbors include:

  • Peas
  • Cucumber
  • cabbage
  • carrots
  • parsnips
  • rosemary
  • Beetroot
  • salad
  • spinach
  • thyme
  • tomato
  • zucchini
  • onions

On a proximity to chives and potatoes should be avoided. These growths attract nematodes that can infest the dill plants. fennel is also not a good neighbor. Since the plants pollinate each other, they thrive poorly and lose their typical flavor. Furthermore, there are intolerances with caraway, cress and basil. One Mixed culture with pumpkin is also not recommended, since dill inhibits its growth.

frequently asked Questions

When do I sow dill for the pot?

If dill is to be grown in a pot on the windowsill, you can sow the seeds all year round. Use a tall planter, as the kitchen herb forms a deep-growing taproot.

What do I do if there is a threat of afterfrost?

If night or late frosts threaten, protect the sown dill seeds from the cold with a plant protection fleece. You should also take this measure when temperatures are approaching freezing point.

How do I harvest dill seeds?

Dill seeds develop from the yellow umbelliferous flowers of the herb. When the seed pods have turned brown, they are ready for harvest. Cut off the flowers. After that, hang them upside down. Place a paper bag over the dill flowers to catch the seeds.