Plant tomatoes and zucchini together: yes or no?

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Plant tomatoes and zucchini together

Zucchini and tomatoes go well together on the plate and form a delicious liaison with many dishes. But do both types of vegetables also harmonize in the garden bed? Read here whether you can plant tomatoes and zucchini together.

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In a nutshell

  • generally joint planting possible
  • pay attention to sufficient planting distance, need a lot of space
  • good supply of water and organic fertilizer
  • Mulch soil to prevent drying out
  • If possible, avoid planting together

Table of contents

  • Mixed culture possible in principle
  • Be sure to note
  • Planting distance and lighting conditions
  • water and nutrient supply
  • frequently asked Questions

Mixed culture possible in principle

Zucchini and tomato plants have very similar needs in terms of location, nutrient requirements, and water requirements. Both types need

  • a sunny, warm and sheltered spot
  • nutrient-rich, loose soil
  • good fertilization with rich, organic fertilizers
  • much water

Both zucchini and tomatoes are among the so-called because of their high nutrient requirements heavy feeders

. Basically, an old garden rule says that at best you plant plants with similar needs together. In this case, however, this is difficult because both species compete with each other for space, nutrients and water in a neighboring plantation. If the supply is insufficient, this can lead to serious problems and negatively affect plant health and fruit development. Therefore our advice is: A mixed culture of zucchini and tomatoes is possible, but not recommended.

tomato house

Tip: You should anyway Tomatoes better in the greenhouse or cultivate under a foil roof construction, since the sensitive plants dreaded when it rains too much Late blight and late blight develop. Zucchini, on the other hand, grow without any problems outdoors.

Be sure to note

If you still want to plant the two crops together, you should pay more attention to compliance with the following rules. Then nothing should stand in the way of a successful mixed culture of tomato and zucchini.

Planting distance and lighting conditions

Both zucchini and tomatoes need a lot of space and should therefore not be placed directly next to each other. Zucchini plants in particular can get huge and tirelessly grow upwards. Their leaves grow very large and can shade tomatoes that are planted too tightly - which they don't like at all, after all, that's what they need nightshade a full sun location. In addition, zucchini grow strongly in width. Tomatoes, on the other hand, need the opportunity to stand upright on a stick or a trellis – depending on the variety – to grow.

Zucchini in the bed
Give both zucchini and tomatoes enough space in the bed.

It is therefore essential to keep these distances when planting:

  • Zucchini: at least 100 x 100 centimeters square
  • Tomatoes: 50 to 80 centimeters in row and 80 to 100 centimeters between rows, depending on the variety

Tip: Basically, the ground under the zucchini plant should be kept clear. However, you can put weakly consuming and space-consuming species such as onions or beetroot very close to the courgettes - this also prevents soil erosion.

water and nutrient supply

If tomatoes and courgettes have enough space, the most important conditions for healthy growth are already in place. Now all you have to do is ensure that the plants are watered and fertilized regularly and according to their needs:

  • Soil should always be moist but not wet
  • always water roots and keep leaves as dry as possible
  • Fertilize with mature compost or rotted stable manure
  • mulch covering it (e.g. B. from comfrey leaves, lawn clippings or sliced ​​tomato or zucchini leaves) to keep moisture in the soil
Control powdery mildew on zucchini

Tip: Both tomatoes and zucchini are quite susceptible to fungal diseases, for example mildew. You can mitigate this with preventive spraying horsetail broth and skimmed milk broth (one liter of milk to six liters of water).

frequently asked Questions

What plants shouldn't be planted with zucchini and tomatoes?

If you cultivate zucchini and tomatoes together, you should not cultivate them together with potatoes, different types of cabbage, especially those that consume a lot, such as savoy cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli or Brussels sprouts as well as cucumbers, plant pumpkins and melons. All of these plants have similar needs to the first two and therefore compete with them for space, water and nutrients.

Which plant neighbors go well with zucchini?

If you cultivate one or more zucchini plants alone, runner beans, corn, Spinach, nasturtium, marigolds and flowering herbs such as borage for a joint mixed culture. Above all, marigolds and nasturtiums, but also the onions already mentioned, reliably keep pests like these in check white bow tie remote.

What plants are good neighbors for tomatoes?

Tomatoes harmonize very well with nasturtium, spinach, garlic, leeks, parsley, corn, various salads and celery. New Zealand spinach can be planted here as ground cover and serves as a practical substitute for mulching.