Farmer's rules in February: 30 pieces of wisdom for the weather and the garden

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Peasant rules or weather rules have been known since ancient times. They should give conclusions about the expected weather. There is one for every month of the year. Below are some well-known peasant rules for the month of February.

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In a nutshell

  • Farmer's rules are old-fashioned weather observations
  • The new farming year begins on Candlemas
  • Snow and ice promise a long, warm summer
  • lots of rain in February makes for a wet year
  • cold February is followed by cold March and April

Table of contents

  • Conclusions about weather conditions
  • Peasant rules from 2.-9. February
  • wisdom from 12.-18. February
  • Farmer's rules at the end of February
  • Known Weather Rules
  • wind and rain
  • cold and fog
  • plants and animals
  • frequently asked Questions

Conclusions about weather conditions

In the Gregorian calendar, February is the second month of the year. With Candlemas on the 2nd The new farming year begins in February. The farmers are already making initial preparations for the new season. On different lost days and the old traditional ones pawn rules they drew conclusions about the coming weather conditions.

Tractor in a field

Peasant rules from 2.-9. February

"If it's on Candlemas (2. February) storms and snows, spring is never far away. However, when it is clear and bright, spring does not come so quickly.”

Until 1912, Candlemas was still a peasant holiday. It ended the Christmas season and ushered in the new farming year. On this day all the candle supplies for the coming year were consecrated, including the black weather candles. Around this day, the weather observations were therefore particularly important.

If there were storms and a lot of snow that day, it was observed that the spring with warmer temperatures soon followed. However, when it was cold, spring was far from in sight.

"Candlemas in the clover, then Easter follows in the snow"

If it is warm and spring-like on this day, then it will be cold again at Easter and snow will fall again.

"St. Agatha (5. February), the bride of God, makes snow and ice thaw.”

If on the 5th February was beautiful, not too cold weather, then one could increasingly expect that the winter would weaken.

"Bring Dorothee (6. February) quite a lot of snow, the summer brings good clover.”

Especially in agriculture, February is used to prepare for all work in the fields and beds. The seedbeds for the first outdoor sowing of spinach, carrots, onions, parsley and lettuce are dug and weeded during the month. During this time, "branches" used to be chopped, fertilizer applied to the meadows and corn stripped from the cob.

"If there are a lot of stars during Shrovetide, then the chickens like to lay them."

Chickens lay fewer eggs in winter compared to other times of the year. According to observations, egg production probably increased when the sky was covered with stars during Shrovetide.

"Is it up to Apollonia (9. February) humid, winter escapes late.”

Saint Apollonia of Alexandria lived in the 3rd century. Century and is revered by the Catholic and Orthodox Church as a martyr. If it snowed and rained on her memorial day, spring was a long time coming.

Meadow in winter sunrise

wisdom from 12.-18. February

"St. Eulalia (12. February) Sunshine brings much fruit and wine.”

Saint Eulalia of Barcelona died on the cross after many torments. After her death, it snowed and her body was completely covered. However, if there is sunshine that day, a good fruit and wine harvest can be expected.

Tip: Now lets in the basement overwintered plants placed warmer and watered regularly again. A pruning is also advisable.

"Depends on Valentine's Day (December 14). February) the cat in the sun, in March she crawls behind the stove full of bliss."

Valentine's Day is the day of lovers. The bishop and martyr Valentin von Terni illegally married Christian couples. He was beheaded for it. Flowers are offered as offerings on this day. Not only that, if it is warm and sunny that day, it will be cold again in March.

"The Simon (18. February) shows with his day that the frost will not be a plague for much longer."

Simon was Bishop of Jerusalem and a martyr. He died in 106 at the age of 120. His day of honor marks the end of the frosty season.

Farmer's rules at the end of February

"Is it on Petri's chair celebration (22. February) cold, then winter will still be very old.”

Kathedra Petri (Petri chair celebration) has been in the Roman Catholic Church since the 4th century. century festival. If it is very cold that day, then winter will last for a long time.

"Will it be on St. Matthias (24. February) cold, the winter has violence for a long time."

The apostle Matthias was a disciple of God. The weather on his memorial day has an influence on the following weather in the coming weeks.

"If it's bright and clear on St. Roman's, it means a good year."

Romanus of Condat (400 to 463/464) was a monastery founder, hermit and is venerated as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. His commemoration day is also known as Romanus Day (28/29 Feb) known. If this day is nice, a nice year can be expected.

Known Weather Rules

"Whoever sows the oats in the horn has much grain. He who sows it in May has much chaff.”

February used to be called Hornung/Horn because the cattle horned. If the oats are sown in February, then it promises to be a good harvest.

"If it doesn't snow in February, it will snow in Easter."

"Snow and ice in February makes the summer long and hot."

Tree and field covered with snow

wind and rain

"February must storm and blow when the cattle are to graze in Lenze."

After a stormy February, cattle can graze in the pastures in March.

"The wetter February is, the wetter the whole year gets."

A lot of precipitation in February does not bode well. Expect a lot of rain for the rest of the year.

"If the west often blows in February, the year won't be the very best."

West winds often bring rain. A wet February is a sign of a wet year.

"If it's rainy in February, it helps as much as good crap."

After this pawn rule rain in February promises a good harvest.

"If the north wind doesn't want to come in February, it'll definitely come in April."

cold and fog

"If February is dry and cold, March heat will come soon."

A cold, dry February is followed by a warm March.

"When February makes us warm, it often freezes at night in May."

A too mild February should be followed by late frosts in spring. These can cause major damage in agriculture.

"Cold and clear February brings a good rye year."

Frost and cold in February promise a good harvest.

"If the Hornung is moderately cold, there will be no good harvest."

"So many foggy days in February, so many cold days in August."

"If there is thick fog in winter, there will be black ice in the course of the next day."

Field in winter at sunrise

plants and animals

"Matthias loves us, he gives the tree the first shoot."

On this day, the first shoots are said to be the harbingers of spring.

"If the mosquitoes play in February, then sheep and bees freeze the whole year."

A warm February is followed by a cold year.

"If the February sun doesn't wake the badger, it will still be sound asleep in April."

This pawn rule states that a cold February also means a cold March and April.

"If the mosquitoes fiddle in February, they have to be silent in March."

This pawn rule warm February is followed by colder March. But this wisdom is not proven.

frequently asked Questions

What are the old peasant rules based on?

Even in ancient times, people observed the interactions between nature and the weather. They summarized their findings in concise sentences. They were mostly written in rhyme. These weather wisdoms were passed on from generation to generation.

Can the old peasant rules still be applied today?

Today's weather forecasts are based on high and low pressure areas. Most pawn rules are not scientifically proven. It is also important to note the region in which the rules were drawn up. The weather varies from region to region. Added to this is climate change, which is having a major impact on weather conditions compared to the past.

What is meant by lost days in the farming year?

These are certain days that, according to popular belief, determine the weather for the coming weeks. In the past, they were important for the farmers to carry out their work. Such lost days include Candlemas, Kathedra Petri, Ice Saints, Seven Sleepers Day.

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