Remove weeds between stones/joints: 7 home remedies

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Remove weeds between stone joints: 7 home remedies

Weeds keep growing between stones and in the joints of terrace or path slabs. However, this can be effectively removed with various home remedies. Because it doesn't look decorative.

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In a nutshell

  • Vinegar and salt are good tools, but are not legally permitted everywhere
  • dark tarp for a few weeks on the area removes weeds
  • Scrape out the individual joints with a joint scraper
  • Use rice, potato or pasta water
  • pour boiling water over the joints

Table of contents

  • Weed weed
  • put on the tarpaulin
  • Boiling water
  • Instructions
  • Rice, potato or pasta water
  • baking powder or baking soda
  • soda
  • vinegar and salt
  • Instructions
  • frequently asked Questions

Weed weed

In fact, the first way to successfully remove weeds is to weed them regularly. In addition, it is also the mechanical remove more environmentally friendlyto use as a supposedly good home remedy. However, the work can be quite strenuous if it is a large area with many joints. Please note the following:

  • start weeding as early as possible in the year
  • Joints should be wet
  • Pull out weeds with your hands
  • alternatively use a joint scraper
  • then sweep up and put on compost
  • distinguish between seed and root weeds
root weed seed weed
Notice - more difficult to remove
– forms long root shoots under the stones and slabs
– always remove before flowering
species clover, couch grass, horsetail, bindweed,
ground elder, creeping buttercup, thistles
French herb, chickweed, celandine, thistles, dandelion
Remove weeds between joints

Tip: If flowers and seeds have already formed in the seed weeds, it makes more sense to keep them in the Dispose of residual waste and do not put it in the compost, otherwise the seeds could be redistributed in the garden become.

put on the tarpaulin

A dark tarp over the sidewalk or patio helps prevent weeds from growing between the joints and kills weeds that have already grown, especially in early spring:

  • cover completely with dark tarps
  • weigh down with stones on the sides
  • leave for several weeks
  • Weeds don't get light to grow
  • withers and dies
  • there is no growth at all
  • then simply clean the surface well with a broom

Boiling water

Probably the simplest home remedy for removing weeds from a small area is boiling water. However, this is less suitable on large terraces or long distances. Because the energy and water consumption as well as the time required is then no longer related to the effectiveness of removing the weeds.

boiling water


  • Boil water in a large saucepan
  • alternatively use a kettle
  • go outside immediately
  • Pour the still boiling water into the joints
  • aboveground plants are destroyed
  • if there is enough water in one place, so will the roots
  • Leave the remains of the weed for several days
  • then remove with a broom

Rice, potato or pasta water

If you cook a lot of rice, potatoes or pasta, you should not throw away the boiling water but use it to remove weeds between the joints. Due to the starch that is in the water after boiling, the remedy is even more effective than simply boiling water:

  • Simply pour boiling water from the pot into joints
  • Starch clogs the pathways in plants
  • Roots can no longer work
  • the plants die
  • can be easily removed
boiling pasta water in the pot

A notice: Both the tip with the boiling and with the starchy water is not special effective because the weeds will grow back after some time and the application is repeated over and over again must become.

baking powder or baking soda

Baking soda is in baking soda included, so this is the same home remedy that can be used against weeds in joints. The advantage of baking soda is that it can be found in most homes in the pantry. The application is simple but also only suitable for smaller areas:

  • boil a liter of water
  • Add 10 grams of powder, about a tablespoon
  • mix well
  • let cool down
  • put in spray bottle
  • Spray weeds in a targeted manner
  • Roots are not affected
  • only suitable for seed herbs
  • repeat for several days until weeds have died
Baking soda in a bowl

Tip: Alternatively, you can dampen the weeds in the grout with water using a hose or watering can and then simply sprinkle the baking soda or plain baking soda on the plants.


Similar to baking soda also works Soda against weeds. Nevertheless, in combination with water, it is a so-called aggressive lye. Since this can damage the groundwater, it is recommended not to use soda against weeds, the use of baking soda is completely sufficient in this case.

vinegar and salt

At Vinegar and salt are good home remedies to effectively control and remove weeds. Nevertheless, there are some legal provisions that must be observed here. Because both agents are extremely harmful to the environment and must not get into the groundwater or the surrounding trees. In your own garden for the weeds between the joints, the agents should only be used very diluted.

Apple cider vinegar diluted with water against weeds


  • five parts water and one part salt
  • pour over weeds
  • the salt draws moisture from the plants
  • 15 parts water to 1 part vinegar
  • spray on the weeds with a spray bottle
  • use both remedies for several days in a row
  • until weeds are dead

A notice: Get caught using, for example, a vinegar and water mixture to caulk the sidewalk in front of your property from weeds, then it can be very expensive for you, because such a violation will always result in a hefty fine punished.

frequently asked Questions

The neighbors use ash against the weeds - does that really make sense?

Ash is not a good way to get rid of weeds in the joints. Because the ash from the chimney acts like a fertilizer, which means that growth between the stones is still promoted.

Am I able to Flame off weeds with a gas torch?

Of course it is possible to use a gas burner and pull the flames through the joints. However, there is a risk here that only the above-ground parts of the weed are destroyed. This does not lead to the desired effect, especially with root weeds, because the roots are spared and the weeds quickly sprout again. In addition, not all terrace or paving slabs are suitable for working with flames. These could be damaged that can no longer be removed or repaired.

Can I already prevent weeds in joints?

This is usually no longer possible with an area that has already been created. However, before laying stones, slabs or even Cover the area with a weed fleece. Then there is reduced weed growth. Also Joint sand helps keep weeds out between the joints. It can also help to regularly clean the surface with a broom so that no weed seeds can get stuck between the joints.

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