10 plants in low light for the bathroom without a window

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Indoor plants for poorly lit bathrooms

A bathroom without a window is a double challenge for a suitable greenery. With a few tricks and the right choice of plants, you can turn your bathroom into a green oasis.

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In a nutshell

  • most species grow in normal houseplant soil
  • despite high humidity in the bathroom, the plants have to be watered regularly
  • A liquid fertilizer for green plants is ideal for fertilizing
  • most houseplants are at least slightly poisonous
  • some species are easy to propagate

Table of contents

  • Mountain palm (Chamaedorea elegans)
  • Dragon tree (Dracaena fragrans)
  • Ivy (Epipremnum aureum)
  • Solid Leaf (Spathiphyllum wallisii)
  • Maidenhair fern (Adiantum raddianum)
  • Sweetheart (Hoya kerrii)
  • Lucky Feather (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
  • Antler fern (Platycerium stemaria)
  • Coriander (Calathea)
  • Cobbler palm (Aspidistra elatior)
  • frequently asked Questions

Mountain palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

Mountain palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

The mountain palm is one easy-care houseplant. It has the advantage that it can filter many pollutants from the air and thus improve the indoor climate.

  • Height: 20-100cm
  • Appearance: thin shoots, pinnate leaves
  • Substrate: Houseplant soil, slightly acidic at most, suitable for hydroponics
  • Watering: always keep moderately moist
  • Fertilization: give a liquid fertilizer for green plants every 14 days
  • Toxicity: non-toxic

Dragon tree (Dracaena fragrans)

Dragon tree (Dracaena fragrans)

The dragon tree can simply do it itself increased become. If the plant becomes too tall, it can be cut off and re-rooted in water or in the ground.

  • Height: 160-200cm
  • Appearance: round stems with transverse bands, green or variegated leaves, tapering to a point
  • Substrate: humic, well-drained, houseplant soil
  • Watering: on average 1 x per week
  • Fertilization: give a liquid fertilizer for green plants every 14 days, stop fertilizing in winter
  • Toxicity: slightly toxic

Ivy (Epipremnum aureum)

Ivy (Epipremnum aureum)

The ivy has attractive foliage. It forms long tendrils that can be routed along the bathroom ceiling.

  • Height: 100-300cm
  • Appearance: Leaves slightly heart-shaped, tapering, green or variegated or with light spots
  • Substrate: potting soil, suitable for hydroponics
  • Watering: water moderately
  • Fertilization: every 2 - 3 weeks with green plant fertilizer
  • Toxicity: toxic to very toxic

A notice: If the ivy gets too long, you can simply cut it back. The cut shoots can easily be rooted in water and you can grow new plants from them.

Solid Leaf (Spathiphyllum wallisii)

Solid Leaf (Spathiphyllum wallisii)

The A leaf is one of the few plants that can also produce a flower in a location with little light. Striking is the spadix, which is covered with a single bract, which also gave the plant its name.

  • Height: 30-80cm
  • Appearance: Leaves with stalks, shiny, edges irregularly wavy, tapering to a point, yellowish flower with white bract
  • Substrate: potting soil with some clay
  • Watering: always keep moderately moist, reduce watering in winter
  • Fertilization: moderately every 3 weeks with green plant fertilizer
  • Toxicity: poisonous, Plant sap can irritate the skin

Maidenhair fern (Adiantum raddianum)

Maidenhair fern (Adiantum raddianum)

The filigree leaves of the maidenhair fern are eye-catchers in the bathroom. It is also suitable as a companion plant for tall species.

  • Height: 30-60cm
  • Appearance: Pinnate leaves with slightly fanned single leaves
  • Substrate: poor in nutrients, orchid soil
  • Watering: always keep moderately moist, use low-lime water
  • Fertilization: moderately every 2 weeks with green plant fertilizer
  • Toxicity: slightly toxic

Sweetheart (Hoya kerrii)

Sweetheart (Hoya kerrii)

Under good conditions, the sweetheart blooms in June. The plants can also be outdoors in summer, which favors flowering.

  • Height: 20-400cm
  • Appearance: heart-shaped large leaf, succulent, shoots with additional heart-shaped leaves, climbing
  • Substrate: lean houseplant soil mixed with two-thirds quartz sand or clay granules
  • Watering: moderate pour
  • Fertilization: give a liquid fertilizer for green plants every 3 - 4 weeks
  • Toxicity: slightly toxic

Lucky Feather (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

Lucky Feather (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

The lucky feather is a very adaptable plant. It is suitable in the bathroom as a solitary plant that is an eye-catcher.

  • Height: 20-100cm
  • Look: succulent-like, upright growth, slender shape
  • Substrate: Mixture of clay granules and houseplant soil, suitable for hydroponics
  • Watering: water moderately, tolerates longer periods of drought
  • Fertilization: every 4 weeks with green plant fertilizer
  • Toxicity: slightly toxic

Antler fern (Platycerium stemaria)

Antler fern (Platycerium stemaria)
Source: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, Platycerium bifurcatum kz01, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

The staghorn fern is a living fossil, having existed since the time of the dinosaurs. The plants appreciate warm baths with a temperature above 20 °C.

  • Height: 20-40cm
  • Appearance: antler-like drooping leaves, slightly hairy
  • Substrate: houseplant soil
  • Watering: Let the root ball dry out regularly, dip
  • Fertilization: 2 - 3 times a year with green plant fertilizer
  • Toxicity: slightly toxic

Tip: Due to its drooping leaves, the staghorn fern is suitable as a traffic light plant.

Coriander (Calathea)

Coriander (Calathea)

Due to the different leaf colors of different species, you can design your bathroom in a varied way. Some species, such as Calathea crocata, even form attractive inflorescences.

  • Height: 50-100cm
  • Appearance: depending on the variety, dark green to variegated leaves, leaf margin slightly to very wavy, prominent veins
  • Substrate: humic, fibrous
  • Watering: 2 x weekly, low lime water, water should be at room temperature
  • Fertilization: 1 x per month with liquid fertilizer, stop fertilizing in winter
  • Toxicity: non-toxic

Tip: The Korbmarante can be easily multiplied by division. Propagation via seeds is hardly possible, even for species that form flowers, because there are no pollinators.

Cobbler palm (Aspidistra elatior)

Cobbler palm (Aspidistra elatior)

The cobbler palm is an attractive solitary plant because of its sword-shaped leaves. It has the advantage that it grows rather slowly, but can become quite large.

  • Height: 50-70cm
  • Appearance: sword-shaped, prominent veining
  • Substrate: humic soil, well drained, slightly acidic
  • Watering: The substrate should be slightly dry before the next watering
  • Fertilization: 2 x per year with long-term fertilizer, also replace the top layer of soil with nutrient-rich soil
  • Toxicity: non-toxic

frequently asked Questions

Can the plants do without any light at all?

No, even plants that can cope with low light conditions in their natural habitat need at least some light. In the bathroom you can provide indirect light by leaving the door open. Daylight lamps as bathroom lighting or special plant lamps that are connected to a timer also give the plants the necessary light.

Are plants in the bathroom suitable for hydroponics?

Yes, many species can also be kept hydroponically in the bath. For example, the mountain palm, the lucky feather or the ivy are particularly suitable.

What should be considered when caring for plants in the bathroom?

Due to the high humidity, dead plant parts and the substrate surface can begin to mold. Therefore, check the substrate regularly and remove dead plant parts. The substrate can also be superficially damp due to the humidity, but too dry deep down. When watering, you should make sure that the root ball is also moistened.