Get rid of lice on roses naturally

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Fighting lice on roses: natural remedies

Lice on roses are not just a blemish and uncomfortable. The pests can also transmit other diseases and thus cause massive damage to the roses. Therefore, it is important to recognize an infestation and fight the lice.

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In a nutshell

  • Roses are attacked by aphids, mealybugs and others
  • Usually it is the large rose aphid
  • Infestation on buds, leaves and new shoots
  • Combat in the early stages with home remedies
  • all types of lice cause damage to plants in the event of a massive infestation

Table of contents

  • Different species of lice on the roses
  • 1. Step - Remove lice
  • 2. Step - use home remedies
  • soapy water
  • Nettle manure
  • Horsetail manure
  • Other broths
  • garlic for prevention
  • frequently asked Questions

Different species of lice on the roses

Anyone who has a garden knows that they have to struggle with different species of lice on the plants from time to time. And so the decorative roses in the garden or in the tub on the balcony and terrace are not spared. The common lice found here are:

  • aphids
  • large rose aphid
  • scale insects
  • Mealybug
Large rose aphid on a rosebud
Large rose aphid

Tip: All Types of lice can be fought with home remediesif the infestation is detected early.

1. Step - Remove lice

If a lice infestation has been identified, the first step is to remove the pests before further home remedies can be used:

  • Wipe off small infestations with a cloth
  • alternatively put on soft gloves
  • strip over leaves and gently over flowers
  • Rinse plants with a strong shower
  • repeat all operations several times
Rinse lice on garden roses with a garden hose
Rinse garden roses with a garden hose

A notice: The lice are not only mostly on the undersides of the leaves and on the young shoots. The infestation can also be seen on the forming buds. Wipe them off carefully so that later flowering is not endangered.

2. Step - use home remedies

soapy water

The really best home remedy for lice of various types on the roses is homemade soapy water. This is harmless to the plants if the right soap is used, but the lice cannot tolerate it. Use soap that does not contain any fragrances or additives such as soft, curd or potash soap:

  • Crush 50 grams of soap
  • Pour a liter of warm water over it
  • dissolve the soap
  • put in spray bottle
  • Spray infested plants several times a day
  • perform several days in a row
spray red rose using a spray bottle

When the lice are dead, the plant is rinsed with water to remove the residue.

Tip: In the event of an infestation of scale insects, it is advisable to add a splash of spirit to the solution.

Nettle manure

Against aphids and other lice on roses Nettle manure proven to fight. This liquid manure is not only closed Control of various pests well suited but can also have a preventive effect or be used as a fertilizer:

  • a kilo use fresh nettles
  • place in large bucket
  • pour over ten liters of water
  • leave to ferment for about two weeks
  • if the liquid manure stops foaming, it is ready
  • add one liter of liquid manure to ten liters of water
  • pour into spray bottles
  • Spray infested roses for several days in a row
picked nettles in the basket

The liquid manure can also be sprayed on the roses every two weeks as a preventive measure.

Tip: In a garden can be in a corner bed with stinging nettles, then you always have the plants for the production of manure available and do not have to go looking for them along the way.

Horsetail manure

The field horsetail manure is produced in the same way as the nettle liquid manure. It works accordingly. However, the following must be observed when using it:

  • add two liters of liquid manure to ten liters of water
  • then put it in a spray bottle
  • use exactly like nettle liquid manure

Other broths

Other plants are also well suited for making broths. These include:

  • savory broth
  • Fern broths made from tansy, bracken or male fern
  • Use tansy flowers
  • Use worm and bracken leaves

Tip: If these agents are used, this has the advantage that they do not have to soak for as long as manure from stinging nettles or field horsetail. Because they are ready for use after a day at the latest.

garlic for prevention

leaf and others Lice don't like garlic. It is therefore not necessary to make a brew from this as a preventive measure. The garlic cloves are simply crushed slightly and put into the ground around the roses. If the smell doesn't bother you, you can keep the lice away from the roses.

Garlic on a wooden board

A notice: Garlic alone is usually not enough to get rid of lice on your roses. Try to combine a variety of different home remedies.

frequently asked Questions

Are there preventive measures against an infestation of aphids and Co.?

First and foremost it can be said that weakened rose plants are attacked faster and more frequently by various pests and thus also by aphids. Therefore, the best prevention against an infestation is a well cared for and strong rose plant. Because if the fertilization, watering, location and cut are right, then the plant can better defend itself against an infestation.

Why should I refrain from using chemical agents such as insecticides to control it?

A garden in particular lives from its naturalness. Therefore, the use of chemical agents that disturb this natural relationship is only recommended to a limited extent. Beneficial insects such as ladybugs are also harmed by their use. Edible plants around the roses could also be wetted by the agent. The entire ecological balance can be affected by the use of chemical agents and only recover slowly.

Why are the lice so dangerous for the roses and other plants?

Since the lice have a suction proboscis, they suck the plant sap mainly from the leaves but also from the young shoots of the plants. This leads to a debuff. At the same time, this piercing can also transmit other diseases such as bacteria, fungi or viruses to the roses, causing massive damage to them from the inside. That's why you should fight the lice and other pests on roses immediately.