Zucchini leaves hang and wilt: what to do?

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Zucchini leaves droop and wilt

They are one of the most popular types of vegetables in the home garden: but what if the leaves of the courgettes suddenly droop and start to wilt? This article explains why this is and what you can do about it.

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In a nutshell

  • yellow leaves of zucchini indicate chlorosis
  • not only responsible for care errors when leaves wither
  • sometimes also pests or diseases responsible
  • Appropriate various countermeasures after determining the cause

Table of contents

  • reduce watering
  • supply water
  • Check fertilization
  • Adjust location
  • Control aphids
  • Fusarium wilt
  • frequently asked Questions

reduce watering

If the leaves of the zucchini wilt or hang limp, this is often due to incorrect watering. The plant suffers when it is too wet and waterlogging has formed. The following countermeasures should be initiated immediately:

  • Remove plant from moist or wet soil
  • dig carefully so as not to damage roots
  • remove all old soil from roots
  • snip off rotten roots with sharp clean scissors
  • Allow root ball to air dry
  • Remove the soil in the bed and fill in new, fresh soil
  • reintroduce plants
  • don't water the first few days
  • then less watering
Zucchini in the bed

Tip: So that further waterlogging, for example due to too much rain, can be avoided, it is also advisable create a drainage of stones in the bed under the plants and pay attention to loose, permeable soil.

supply water

On the other hand, if the zucchini is too dry, it can be saved by immediately slurrying the soil all around with plenty of water and then continuing to water it regularly:

  • about 3x a week
  • twice a day, especially on hot summer days
  • in the early morning or late evening
  • water when the soil has dried out
  • react at the first sign of drooping leaves
Water zucchini

A notice: The irrigation water should not be colder than 10 degrees Celsius.

Check fertilization

Zucchini is one of those heavy feeders. That means they need lots of fertilizer over the growing season. But too much of nutrients is not good either. For example, the zucchini's leaves can droop and wilt if it's over- or underfed. Action must be taken accordingly:

  • with magnesium deficiency, leaves turn yellow
  • Use nutrient-rich soil directly when planting
  • Mix compost underground
  • watch out for higher nutrient requirements between the beginning of June and August
  • fertilize at least twice during this period
  • as a rescue measure nettle manure give with water
Zucchini in the bucket

Tip: Especially with plants that are cultivated in pots, it is helpful to use a special fertilizer for zucchini or pumpkin plants from the trade according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Adjust location

The wrong location can be the cause of the hanging and subsequent wilting of the leaves on the zucchini. A partially shaded location with a few hours of sunshine a day is ideal for the plants:

  • Select the bed correctly before planting
  • in the worst case, transplant plants
  • carefully remove from the ground
  • Find the ideal location and use it here
  • as early as possible in the year
  • Move plants grown in pots to a more favorable location
Zucchini with blossom and very young fruit

A notice: If the plants have already flowered and the first fruits are forming, moving them can do more harm than the wrong location. In this case you should only look for another bed for the next year.

Control aphids

Among the pests, it is the aphids that can afflict the plants. If the leaves of the zucchini are sucked out, they will hang and begin to wither. Therefore you should early control of aphid infestation, because the pests can also transmit diseases:

  • spray with a strong jet of water
  • spray with soapy water
  • deploy beneficials
  • e.g. B. lacewings or hoverflies and ladybug
Ladybugs eat aphids

A notice: You can buy beneficial insects in well-stocked shops.

Fusarium wilt

A common disease in zucchini plants is Fusarium wilt. If no care errors were found, but the leaves are hanging limp and withering, then it may be a fungal attack. The fungus responsible for this has been in the ground for years and attacks the plant from the inside via the roots. Unfortunately, there is no help in this case:

  • Dispose of plants well sealed in the residual waste
  • Ideally, also dispose of soil at the site there
  • not on the compost
  • not cultivate any more gourds at the site for five years

frequently asked Questions

Why should zucchini be in partial shade?

A sunny location in the blazing sun can quickly burn the leaves. In addition, the soil dries out too quickly here. However, if the location is too dark and the plant is in the shade, yellow leaves will also quickly appear because there is not enough light.

Is it possible to cultivate zucchini in a greenhouse?

A well-ventilated and bright greenhouse is also ideal for the courgettes. Because here the plants get enough light and are protected from rain. However, it is essential to pay attention to the correct fertilization and the correct watering.

Why are my zucchini leaves drooping and wilting in September?

This is a completely normal process, because the plants are considered annuals. You can harvest until August or early September, then, depending on the climate, no more new fruits form. When the time comes, the leaves begin to droop and wither as normal. The plant can then be removed altogether from the bed. New zucchini will be sown and planted next year.