Zucchini location: it thrives particularly well here

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Zucchini location in the sun

Zucchinis are among the less demanding types of pumpkin. Nevertheless, the location has an immense influence on the harvest. So you should choose it carefully. This article tells you where zucchini thrive particularly well.

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In a nutshell

  • choose a sunny, warm location
  • pay attention to nutrient-rich soil
  • keep sufficient planting distance
  • Note bucket size
  • keep in the greenhouse near the door or window

Table of contents

  • light and warmth
  • Floor
  • Place
  • frequently asked Questions

light and warmth

Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo var. giromontiina) ripen best in a location where they receive plenty of sun and warmth:

  • Plant in a sunny to partially shaded location
  • at least five hours of sunshine per day
  • ideal temperature for optimal growth between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius
  • Prefer late March/early April
  • on a windowsill or in a heated greenhouse
  • due to sensitivity to cold/frost, only put outdoors after Eisheiligen

To ensure that cool breezes do not disturb the growth of the heat-loving pumpkins, especially in late spring, care should also be taken to ensure that the location is sheltered from the wind. If it is hot in midsummer, the summer pumpkins usually survive well, but then they often have to be refreshed by watering - if necessary twice a day.

Water zucchini

A notice: Water the plants as close to the ground as possible in the early morning hours or in the evening. Do not use cold water for this.

Zucchini can also cope with a shady location, but the fruits usually ripen much smaller due to less sun. In addition, a lack of sun can ensure a lower aroma and the risk a mold formation increases.


When choosing the location for your zucchini, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of the soil, because this determines the supply of the plants. Therefore, the earth should meet some conditions:

  • rich in nutrients and humus, because heavy feeder with high nutritional needs
  • deep to facilitate root fixation in all directions
  • permeable to allow water to reach the root tips and to avoid waterlogging
  • fresh and moist, as there is a high water requirement
  • pH between 6.5 and 7.5
Zucchini grow on the compost

Tip: Zucchini also find optimal soil conditions directly on a compost heap, so can also be grown there.


Zucchini take up a lot of spaceto be able to spread. If this is not the case, they grow more compact and/or smaller. In addition, the risk of illness increases. For a healthy and bountiful harvest Therefore, a location with space between 1.5 and 2.0 square meters is recommended for zucchini. Depending on the variety, calculate with 80 times 80 or 100 by 100 centimeters. This also results in the required planting distance to neighboring plants of at least 1.5 meters.

Young zucchini plants

A notice: Place at least two zucchini plants next to each other as they will pollinate each other.

frequently asked Questions

What are good neighbors of zucchini?

As good plant neighbors for zucchini For example, flowering herbs such as dill and borage come into question. With nasturtiums you keep various types of lice and with marigolds you keep harmful nematodes in the soil at bay. In mixed cultures, you can also use peas, runner beans, onions, spinach and beetroot because they have low nutritional requirements and do not compete with zucchini. With marigolds you also bring strong colors into the bed.

Which plants should you not plant zucchini with?

In principle, other heavy consumers such as potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and leeks are not suitable as plant neighbors, as they compete for nutrients. You should also focus on the planting of ornamental gourds Avoid any kind, as insects can transport their pollen to the flowers of the zucchini plant, resulting in a bitter to inedible fruit taste. Furthermore, zucchini, melons and cucumbers should not be close together, because all three are susceptible to pumpkin diseases and thus the risk of disease increases significantly.

Can zucchini tolerate the hot midday sun?

Yes, but high temperatures trigger stress in the plants, which stimulates the production of the poisonous bitter substance cucurbitacin. You should therefore not wait too long to harvest the zucchini and harvest the fruit, which is often exposed to the midday sun, when young. Or you provide shade during lunchtime.

Which location is ideal for zucchini in a tub?

Zucchini should also be in half-shade to sunny, warm and sheltered from the wind in the bucket. Also make sure the planter is big enough. This should hold at least 40 liters. In addition, you should place the bucket in an ideal location from the start, because the high weight of the bucket makes it difficult to move later. It is therefore best to place the bucket on a movable base. Choose compact varieties such as "Black Forest" or "Patio Star F1" for container planting.

Where should I plant zucchini in the greenhouse?

Due to the high humidity in the greenhouse, a location by the front door or by an openable window is recommended for the zucchini. This should allow plenty of fresh air to hit the plants so the leaves can dry off faster. How to reduce the risk of gray mold or mildew noticeable.