Money tree has soft leaves: how to save?

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Money tree has soft leaves

According to a myth, the money tree should bring luck and prosperity. In any case, it is extremely easy to care for, even for plant novices. But what if the fleshy leaves on the money tree become soft and mushy?

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In a nutshell

  • different reasons for soft leaves on the money tree
  • Mistakes in care are the most common cause
  • especially waterlogging or lack of water
  • if there is too much water or over-fertilization, repot the plant
  • If there is not enough water, water the plant extensively

Table of contents

  • Measures to rescue
  • Change of substrate against wetness
  • compensate for lack of water
  • fix over-fertilization
  • Rescue after frost damage
  • frequently asked Questions

Measures to rescue

you get money tree (Crassula ovata) soft leaves, you should react quickly. Use the following tips to save the penny tree.

Change of substrate against wetness

Repot money tree
If you meant too well with the water, the only thing that usually helps is to repot the plant in fresh substrate.

If the plant is permanently too damp or even wet, the roots begin to rot and root rot occurs. The money tree can no longer absorb water, the leaves become soft and shriveled. If the rot has not progressed too far and roots are not damaged beyond repair, the plant can still be saved, provided you act immediately:

  • Take the plant out of the pot
  • Remove all soil and rotten or damaged root parts
  • separate yellowed and brown leaves
  • Clean pot or use new one
  • Lay drainage out of gravel or expanded clay in the pot
  • Fill in cactus or succulent soil
  • Insert money tree in the middle
  • Fill in the soil and press down well
  • slightly moisten the soil after a week at the earliest
  • Allow the substrate to dry out almost completely before each watering

Of course, the pot should have drainage holes so that excess water can drain off. If these are missing, water collects at the bottom of the pot, the roots are exposed to permanent moisture and begin to rot. A common mistake in Watering succulents: Most of the time, the substrate above is dry, so that it is wrongly poured more and more and the problem is intensified. Therefore, do a finger test to test the moisture of the substrate at a depth of two to three centimeters.

Propagating money tree with cuttings
Source: secretlondon, Jade plant grown from leaf aug 21, Edited from Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

If the plant is too badly damaged, you can try cuttings for propagation to rescue.

Tip: In the future, you should only water the money tree sparingly and, if possible, with lime-free water exclusively from below.

compensate for lack of water

Not only waterlogging, but also a lack of water can affect the money tree and cause corresponding symptoms such as soft leaves. Of course you should make sure that there is actually a lack of water and that the substrate is bone dry. Then you can proceed as follows:

  • Water the plant thoroughly as an immediate measure
  • ideally approx. place in a container of soft water for ten minutes
  • about a third of the pot height in the water
  • then drain well
  • alternatively repot in fresh soil
  • then water well
  • later water regularly from April to September
  • much less in winter
Sprinkle money tree with water
It is better not to spray the leaves, as this can also lead to the formation of rot.

Tip: If the money tree gets too little and no water, it begins to pull the moisture out of its fleshy leaves, causing them to wrinkle. Wrinkled leaves can recover, but if they are soft or mushy, this is no longer possible.

fix over-fertilization

Like most succulents the Pfennigbaum also gets by with few nutrients, so that only a few fertilizer applications are required. However, if you fertilize too much, it quickly leads to over-fertilization, which is often reflected in soft, mushy leaves and shoots in the money tree. Now is the time to act quickly:

  • Take the plant out of the pot
  • repot in fresh soil
  • remove all rotten parts of the plant
  • further procedure as for overwatering
  • do not fertilize after repotting
  • in the future it is better to fertilize less than too much
  • commercial cactus fertilizer is ideal
  • available as granules, fertilizer sticks and in liquid form

Rescue after frost damage

Money tree (Crassula ovata) on the balcony
Bring the penny tree into the house by mid-October at the latest to protect it from the cold and wet.

Frost damage to the money tree is rather rare and only to be feared if the plant was outside over the summer and was not brought back inside in time in the fall. Normally, this plant is permanently in the house as a houseplant. Frost damage, which often manifests itself in soft and mushy leaves and shoots on the money tree, is therefore extremely problematic and in most cases cannot be repaired. But there is hope.

  • Bring the plant indoors immediately
  • remove soft and mushy parts
  • Examine the stem of the plant
  • if it is still firm, there is hope
  • even if other parts have already died
  • put in a bright and cool place
  • at temperatures between 11 and 13 degrees

A notice: Unfortunately, you won't see whether the money tree has made it until the following spring, when it sprout again.

frequently asked Questions

When can you put the penny tree outside again?

You should only put it outside again when it is significantly warmer and there is no longer any risk of frost. The night temperatures should not fall below ten degrees. However, you should first get him used to the new conditions slowly. For the duration of its outdoor stay, the money tree needs a semi-shady location protected from drafts and heavy rain. A place on a covered terrace or balcony is ideal.

How often should the money tree be repotted?

Since the succulent grows faster in the first ten years, it is advisable to repot it every two to three years during this period. For older specimens, distances of approx. five years is sufficient. The best time to repot is in the spring after wintering.

How important is the right pot for the money tree?

The pot plays a role in that the right material can reduce the risk of soil that is too wet. Because of this, pots made of clay are recommended. Due to their porous structure, water can evaporate. In addition, the money tree has a better stability here than in a plastic pot.

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