Gentle dog repellents: coffee grounds & Co

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gentle dog repellents

Does a strange dog keep running into your garden or do the dogs in the residential area use your fence as a toilet? Gentle dog repellents help you to keep the four-legged friends from this unpleasant activity.

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In a nutshell

  • must not injure or kill dogs
  • Neutralize fecal or urine odors to avoid attracting other dogs
  • essential oils (e.g. B. spray lavender).
  • Fence the property or plant a dense hedge
  • Put plants that smell unpleasant for dogs in the beds

Table of contents

  • Gentle dog repellent
  • 1. limit property
  • 2. Sprinkler system with motion detector
  • 3. Unpleasant smelling home remedies
  • 4. Dog repellent plants
  • 5. ultrasonic devices
  • frequently asked Questions

Gentle dog repellent

No matter how big the fear, anger or aversion to or. against constant unwanted visits by dogs: Under no circumstances should you harm the animal in any way by accepting injury or even death. This can even result in criminal consequences up to and including imprisonment! Fortunately, such drastic measures are not necessary, because with the following gentle dog repellents, the four-legged friends will soon give your property a wide berth.

1. limit property

dog behind fence

The easiest way to get rid of unwanted dog visits is to not let the animals on the property in the first place. Build a close-meshed fence or wall around your property, and a dense (thorn) hedge will also reliably keep dogs away. Just make sure that the barrier

  • is high enough (at least 170 to 190 centimeters)
  • is impermeable below, d. H. the dog cannot simply crawl through below or can dig
  • as narrow a distance as possible between slats, meshes, etc. having

Tip: Before erecting the barrier, find out whether and to what extent it is permitted in your residential area. If necessary, an official permit must also be obtained.

2. Sprinkler system with motion detector

Does the neighbor's dog like to leave his piles on your lawn? Then this dog repellent might be right for you: a sprinkler system with a motion detector. Here he jumps lawn sprinkler always on as soon as the dog triggers the alarm. This kills two birds with one stone: Your lawn will be thoroughly cleaned in the hot summer months watered and at the same time the neighbor Fifi learns impressively that he no longer uses the lawn as a dog toilet can.

Dog on sprinkler system
For dogs that are afraid of water, encountering the sprinkler is an unpleasant experience that they are reluctant to repeat.

3. Unpleasant smelling home remedies

When dogs keep peeing on the fence or somewhere else, this is practically an invitation to all other four-legged friends in the neighborhood. Dogs - both males and females - not only mark their territory in this way, but also communicate with other dogs. So where an animal has once peed, all other animals will also deposit their legacies. This is to be avoided! You can use these gentle dog repellents for this:

  • Neutralize urinals and droppings, e.g. B. with baking powder
  • just sprinkle baking soda over the spots
  • Optionally, mix baking powder with a little water and spray
  • alternatively undiluted vinegar essence bring out
  • coffee powderor. dried coffee grounds spread
  • essential oils spray with odors that are unpleasant for dogs
Lavender oil and dried lavender on table
lavender oil

For the latter, for example, is suitable lavender or tea tree oil very good. Anti-pee sprays are also available on the market, which often have evocative names such as “dog vaporiser” or “dog fright”. These also serve their purpose, but should not contain any toxic substances. You can also use granules instead of the dog repellent spray.

A notice: Although vinegar is a very effective home remedy for dogs, it also acidifies the soil. In addition, it must not be placed on solid surfaces (e.g. B. Because, driveways) are deployed, this is prohibited by law.

4. Dog repellent plants

But some plants are also good as a gentle dog repellent. For example, plant a hedge of lavender near popular pee and poop spots. The so-called "piss off plant" (Plectranthus ornatus) and mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) also act as biological repellents.

Piss off plant (Plectranthus ornatus)
The Piss off plant (Plectranthus ornatus) may seem inconspicuous, but it is effective at keeping dogs and cats away.

5. ultrasonic devices

Some garden owners also swear by ultrasonic devices, whose sound waves - for people in the inaudible range - are unpleasant for dogs and therefore drive them away. However, animal welfare organizations complain that these sounds may damage the dog's hearing and should therefore not be used. It should be said that the devices are not played continuously. Instead, they are only used briefly in acute cases, which is why damage is not to be expected.

frequently asked Questions

Does ultrasound penetrate through wood or walls?

Do you want to place the ultrasound device in an inconspicuous place, for example behind a picket fence or a wall? In this case, please note that ultrasound is not transmitted through walls - solid materials such as stone or wood are impenetrable to ultrasound waves. Sometimes the manufacturers of such devices claim this, but that is simply wrong.

What to do if the neighbor's dog messes with my garden?

Some people don't want to or don't always have time to walk their dog. Garden owners in particular often let their pets into the garden. If the dog does its business on your lawn instead, you should first try to talk to your neighbors. Dog owners are not always aware that their animals are migrating - or are not wanted elsewhere. However, if the owner is absolutely unreasonable, you can file a complaint with the public order office.

What happens if you don't clean up dog poop?

Dog owners are required by law to remove and properly dispose of their pet's droppings. This applies not only to public paths and squares, but also to third-party private property, allotment gardens, meadows and fields. If this does not happen, the careless dog owner commits an administrative offence. Depending on the city and location, this can result in fines of up to several hundred euros. You can find out more in the catalog of fines in your community or municipality.