This is the best way to proceed

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Materials needed

  • A glass jar, such as a wine balloon, large candy or mason jar, or old fish tank that can be sealed airtight.
  • expanded clay,(€19.00 at Amazon*)lava granules,(€14.00 at Amazon*) Basalt split or gravel as a drainage layer
  • Some activated or charcoal
  • Potting soil that is not too nutrient-rich

Which plants are suitable?

Since these store moisture and release it into the air over the course of the day, mosses are the most important component. Sphagnum moss have proven themselves, java moss and stone moss.

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  • bottle garden
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Tropical indoor plants thrive very well in warm, humid climates. However, it is much more exciting to take plants from nature and in the bottle garden to cultivate.

When collecting, make sure you always take some soil with you. Also relocate some animal co-inhabitants such as worms, isopods or springtails. These feed on the dead plant parts and convert them into valuable fertilizer.

Creation of the bottle garden

  1. Disinfect the vessel and stones with boiling water.
  2. Fill in the drainage layer about two centimeters high.
  3. Crush charcoal in a bag with a hammer. The pieces should be 0.5 centimeters in size.
  4. Sieve off the coal dust and spread the pieces of coal on the gravel in a layer about 0.5 millimeters thick.
  5. Put the earth on it.
  6. Insert plants with the soil of the growth site.
  7. Spread pieces of moss on the surface as the last layer.
  8. Pour carefully by letting the water run down the edge of the glass.
  9. The soil should now feel damp, but the roots should not be soaked.
  10. If this is the case, leave the bottle open until the moisture ratio is right.
  11. Close the lid tightly.
  12. Place in a bright, sunny spot.

When do I have to water?

Usually as good as never. If moisture has condensed on the glass in the morning and runs off during the day, the climate in your small ecosystem is perfect.

  • If there is no dew to be seen in the morning, open the container and water sparingly.
  • If water condenses throughout the day, it is too humid. Leave that bottle garden be open for a while.

How can the bottle garden regulate itself?

Since the moisture is retained in the vessel, a self-contained water cycle is created:

  • Moisture is evaporated through the leaves of the plants.
  • This condenses and settles in the glass.
  • Similar to rain in nature, the drops fall to the ground.
  • There the water is absorbed by the roots and the cycle begins again.

A closed gas circuit is also created in the bottle garden:

When it's dark, the plants produce CO2. During the day they carry out photosynthesis and convert the carbon dioxide into oxygen.


It looks very pretty if you decorate the bottle garden with pebbles, shells from a beach holiday and similar materials. However, since wood quickly becomes moldy, you should not use twigs or cones.