White algae and white flakes in the pool

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How to remove white algae and white flakes from the pool?

White algae and white flakes in the pool can be reduced with regular cleaning, removing leaves and debris, and controlling chlorine and pH levels. If infested, the pH value should be measured, algae brushed off, dirt removed, shock chlorination carried out and the sand filter system switched on.

How to detect white algae and white flakes in the pool?

White algae in the pool can at their bright respectively white discoloration to be located. These usually sit down pool floor and stuck to the walls. White flakes, on the other hand, float in the water. These are algae that have already dissolved and combined in the pool water. Keep track of growth progress Eye, as this can get out of hand very quickly and take up the entire pool. The further the infestation progresses, the more complex the cleaning process of the pool becomes.

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Can you remove white algae and white flakes from the pool?

The elimination of white algae and white flakes from the pool is normal

entirely possible. Here you should take important care measures to remove all residues. The algae infestation can usually be stopped with simple cleaning steps.

  1. The first step should be to measure the pH.
  2. You can use a soft brush to remove the algae from the affected areas.
  3. All impurities should then be removed from the water.
  4. Then carry out a shock chlorination.
  5. The pH should then be checked again.
  6. Turn the sand filter system finally one.

Can white algae growth be prevented in the pool?

The growth of white algae can unfortunately in the long run not completely be excluded. However, you can counteract the infestation with preventive measures. Make sure you clean the pool water regularly. Leaves and dirt should be removed daily if possible. You can use a conventional pool net for this. Do this carefully. You should also check the chlorine content and also the PH value measure as often as possible. Ultimately, these values ​​make a significant contribution to the purity of the water.


Remove white algae and white flakes using organic home remedies

In order to remove white algae and white flakes from the pool in the best possible way, you do not necessarily have to resort to chemical algaecides. These can eventually harm the environment and your pool water. Instead, use organic home remedies like vinegar or salt. Baking soda or baking powder are also suitable. All you have to do is mix these remedies under the water and wait a few days.