The best tips for a clean pool

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How to remove and prevent algae in saltwater pool?

Algae can also occur in saltwater pools and should be removed promptly. To remove it, we recommend checking the pH value, thorough cleaning, shock chlorination and starting up the sand filter system. Preventive measures such as regular cleaning and pH control help prevent algae growth.

Can algae also occur in saltwater pools?

The growth of algae can unfortunately also in salt water pools not entirely excluded become. Here, too, different types of algae such as green algae, mustard algae or black algae occur. These should be recognized and eliminated quickly in order to preserve the pool water in the long term. If the growth is not observed or stopped, this can lead to particularly time-consuming cleaning measures. Therefore, do not hesitate too long before removing the algae growth.

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How can algae be removed from the saltwater pool?

For saltwater pools, the same measures should be taken as for a freshwater pool. This type of water also asks for it from time to time

cleaning care measures. For saltwater pools you can proceed as follows:

  1. The pH should be controlled in order to be able to take the right measures.
  2. In the next step, clean the pool thoroughly. A brush or a vacuum robot can be used for this.
  3. A subsequent shock chlorination cleans the water.
  4. The pH value should be monitored afterwards.
  5. Finally, the sand filter system be put into operation.

How to prevent algae growth in saltwater pools?

Algae formation cannot be completely ruled out in salt water. Again, you should preventive measures take, so that the water stays clean for a long time. Therefore, take care of cleaning the pool several times a week. Fish all visible dirt out of the pool water. It is best to use a pool net for this, which makes the work a lot easier. In addition, you should PH value of the saltwater pool so that deviations can be counteracted as quickly as possible. Again, the value should be between 7.00 and 7.40.


Free the saltwater pool from algae with home remedies

Saltwater pools can be thoroughly cleaned with simple home remedies. A chemical variant for algae control can be neglected in many cases. Like fresh water, salt water can be cleaned with agents such as vinegar, vitamin C, baking soda, or washing soda. The required amount should be calculated and strictly adhered to in order to achieve a satisfactory result. These are already visible after a few hours or days.

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