Garden design with box and hydrangeas

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How do you design a garden with boxwood and hydrangeas?

A successful garden design with Buchs and hydrangeas Includes consideration of site conditions, planting in multiple tiers for visual depth, and balanced planting. Complete the arrangement with boulders, light sources and seats for decorative accents.

How to create a beautiful garden design with boxwood and hydrangeas?

In the perfect garden design takes over boxwood the feature as evergreen privacy hedge, bed edging and sculpture. In summer, hydrangeas with spectacular flowers dominate the appearance. For successful arrangements of boxwood and hydrangeas are important visual and location-relevant premises to note:

  • Hydrangeas need a partially shaded location in fresh, moist, nutrient-rich soil with a pH between 4.0 and 6.0.
  • Planting on several levels creates optical depth, such as the head-high boxwood hedge as a shade and backdrop for hydrangeas and ground cover.
  • boulders, light sources, gabions and seats set decorative accents.

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  • Plants under hydrangea
  • Hydrangeas in the garden
  • Hydrangea plant neighbors
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  • hydrangea bed ideas
  • boxwood-combine
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What combinations draw a green and white garden picture?

Boxwood and hydrangea are the key figures for a stylish green and white garden design. Active support is provided by white perennials, ornamental grasses and small-crowned trees. These are recommended aspirants for the planting plan:

  • Ball Hydrangea 'Annabelle' (Hydrangea arborescens)
  • Beetroot 'Snowflake' (Pink)
  • aster 'White Ladys' (Aster novi-belgii)
  • Buxus sempervirens for the box hedge
  • Buxus 'Blauer Heinz' for sculptures
  • ball trumpet tree 'Nana' (Catalpa bignonioides)
  • green white sedge (carex)

How do I create stylish colors with boxwood and hydrangeas?

A romantic farm and country house garden thrives on lavish blooms. Art is one balanced planting, without falling into the hodgepodge trap. In the following planting idea, evergreen boxwood is tastefully complemented by an arrangement of white, rose, pink, violet and blue tones:

  • panicle hydrangea 'Pink Lady' (Hydrangea paniculata)
  • plate hydrangea 'Teller White' (Hydrangea macrophylla)
  • Wild rose, dog rose (Rosa canina)
  • pink blooming girl eye (Coreopsis rosea)
  • Grasslands-cranesbill (Geranium patrese)
  • Lavender 'Hidcote Blue' (Lavandula angustifolia)
  • delphinium 'Blue Bird' (Delphinium cultorum)


Boxwood alternatives urgently needed

Where box tree moths and Buxus shoot dieback are rampant, the hour strikes more decoratively Boxwood alternatives. These candidates are evergreen, tolerant of pruning, hardy and poisonous: Japanese holly (Ilex crenata), Spindle bush 'Green Rocket' (Euonymus japonicus), honeysuckle 'May Green' (Lonicera nitida). A non-poisonous substitute for the box hedge is wintergreen dwarf buckthorn 'Silverstar' (Hippophae rhamnoides). If you don't mind the white flowers above the dark green foliage, choose the evergreen dwarf privet 'Lodense' (Ligustrum vulgare).

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