Algae-eating pond snails for cleaning the garden pond

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Are native pond snails helpful algae eaters?

pond snails are particularly efficient algae eaters. They ensure regular and thorough cleaning of the water. The mud snail and the mud snail are the best at removing algae. These snail species are considered robust and hardy.

Are pond snails useful algae eaters?

Pond snails are called extremely usefulAlgae eaters in the pond described. These can be used as a preventative measure. This prevents overgrowth as much as possible. Almost without exception, the snails feed on different types of algae such as red, white or brown algae in the pond. However, make sure you use the right type of snail to get the most thorough end result possible.

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Which pond snails are the most hard-working algae eaters?

If you want to remove algae from your pond with the help of pond snails, you should choose the right type of snail. The so-called Swamp Lid Snail. This snail does not only feed on the Algae in the mini pond, which lie at the bottom. It also removes all floating algae, which are usually found on the surface of the pond water. Another helpful species of snail is the

pointed mud snail. This species is also extremely thorough against overgrowth in your pond and thus restores order.

Are pond snails considered hardy algae eaters?

pond snails are certainly as hardy pond inhabitants to describe. However, it is particularly important that the pond does not freeze over completely. It usually survives the cold season on the frost-free bottom of the garden pond. Here she takes a little rest and shuts down all vital functions to a minimum. After the winter, the pond snail goes back to its usual task as a helpful support in the elimination of algae in the pond after.


The optimal habitat for the algae-eating pond snail

An algae-eating pond snail feels particularly at home in a pond with lush vegetation. Therefore, ensure sufficient placement of aquatic plants. The different plants ensure an increased supply of oxygen, which is of particular importance for the survival of the pond snail. Other algae-eating pond inhabitants such as the pond mussel ensure that the water is thoroughly cleaned.