How to speed up foliage when composting?
How long does it take for foliage to rot?
The duration of complete rotting of foliage is between 1 and 5 years. It depends on what kind of foliage it is. The foliage of fruit trees, for example, is already after one years rotted to earth.
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Are there natural materials that accelerate the rotting of the leaves?
In addition to commercial compost accelerators is there many many natural materials that you can use to speed up the rotting of foliage.
For example, will like lawn clippings used to speed up composting. Grass contains a lot of nitrogen. The microorganisms can multiply well with the help of the nitrogen, which means that the leaves are decomposed more quickly.
Other natural materials can also accelerate the rotting of composted foliage be helpful. These include, among others:
- horn meal
- bentonite
- Earth
- algae lime
- wood chip
- kitchen scraps
How do you mix natural accelerators into the foliage?
You can easily use natural compost accelerators layered with in the pile of leaves or in the composter put in. Try to distribute the respective accelerator well.
How to accelerate the rotting of foliage without additives?
The leaves can come through shredding rot faster. If you have one chopper(€199.00 at Amazon*) have, throw the leaves in there. Alternatively, you can drive the lawnmower over the foliage. The
shredded foliage can simply be put on the compost.
It is also advisable to speed up rotting by alternating the leaves with brushwood or twigs on the compost layers.
Decomposition is even faster when the leaves are on the Floor is left behind. There, the microorganisms from the soil penetrate the foliage more unhindered.
How to make a compost accelerator for foliage?
You can also make a compost accelerator yourself Yeast, Sugar and Water produce. Nothing more is necessary. The yeast bacteria that multiply in the sugar and water mixture help the foliage to rot.
Which foliage rots the fastest?
Foliage of trees that only few tannins such as ash, hazelnut, birch, linden, maple, robinia, elm, willow and beech rot the fastest along with the leaves of fruit trees. Therefore, such leaves should preferably end up on the compost.
Which leaves should not end up in the compost?
Foliage that has a high content of tannins, rots very slowly and ideally should not be composted. This includes, among others, the foliage of poplar, walnut, plane tree, chestnut and oak.
Accelerate leaf decomposition in a thermal composter
In addition to various materials to support the decomposing microorganisms, there is the possibility of using a thermal composter. In the thermal composter, the rotting of the leaves progresses faster. In addition, the resulting heat kills fungi and other pathogens on the foliage.