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Is it permissible to poison a mole?

The poisoning of moles is forbidden according to the Federal Nature Conservation Act (§ 44), as they are under special protection. Penalties of up to €50,000 may be imposed in the event of an infringement. Alternatively, noise and odor measures can help repel moles.

Mole: Use and Conservation

So ugly mole hill look that too on the lawn Mole is a beneficial creature – also for your garden. It ensures good aeration of the soil, destroys pests such as grubs and caterpillars and its molehills provide a nutrient-rich substrate for soil and potted plants. In addition, the mole is under protection and even belongs to the specially protected species. Section 44 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act states:

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It is forbidden to pursue, catch, or stalk wild animals of specially protected species to injure or kill or to take, damage or destroy their developmental forms from nature destroy.

Penalties for Poisoning a Mole

Attentive, animal-loving neighbors are happy to report the killing of a mole. Become at

If you are caught attempting to kill, you will face penalties depending on the state of up to €50,000 on you. So it really isn't worth poisoning the little beneficial.

Other prohibited measures against moles

In addition to poisoning, there are other killing methods such as snap traps or shot traps. Many animal-loving hobby gardeners mean well and want it Relocate a mole using a live trap. But that is also forbidden, because the mole must not be caught. In addition, the mole has to eat constantly. Even a few hours without food can mean its end, which is why it often does not survive being caught in the live trap.

Alternatives to poisoning from the mole

First things first: It's not easy to drive away a mole. Therefore, the better option is to simply befriend its presence and be thankful for the free pest control. If you still want to try to get rid of your mole, it makes sense to combine auditory with sensory measures:

Auditory measures against mole

The mole has keen hearing and cannot stand constant noise. Therefore, you can use a homemade wind turbine (or better several at once), conduct noise and vibrations into the ground and thus disturb his peace.


From ultrasonic devices we advise against it, as other animals also feel disturbed by this and the effectiveness is rather low.

Scent bombs against mole

In addition to the fine hearing, the mole also has a very good sense of smell. You can use that too. Put Scent Bombs in several of the Mole's entrances and replenish them regularly. For the scent bombs you can use, among other things:

  • mothballs
  • Garlic
  • buttermilk


From the use of Carbide against moles We advise against it because of the risks to you and the environment.

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