Fight ants in the root ball

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How do I fight ants in the root ball?

Bring liquids with you off-putting smells above the root ball of the plant. You can use tea tree oil, lavender oil or vegetable manure for this purpose. Water the site regularly. Moisture also deters ants.

Are ants in the root ball harmful?

An ant nest in the root ball can undercut plant and hinder their supply. Few ants bring advantages for the soil and are useful for the Garden. If more and more ants settle under the plant and ant nests form in the root area, this is not without danger for the plant. For one thing, it loses stability. If the Earth If you dig up under the roots, this hinders the supply of the plant. That's why you should intervene.

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How do I get rid of ants in the root ball?

Fight the ants in the root ball with you humidity and fragrances. For example, the following agents act as a deterrent to ants:

  • tea tree oil
  • lavender oil
  • liquid manure
  • Vinegar
  • mint oil

Apply the liquid home remedy generously over the root area. The liquid will trickle down and make the ants uncomfortable. Regular watering can also drive away the ants. Moisture is not particularly appreciated by the ants. However, you should take the needs of the plant into account and avoid waterlogging in the root area.

Can I relocate an ant nest in the root ball?

With a plant pot and wood wool you can use smaller ant nests relocate. This succeeds when the ant nest is small enough and the animals have settled in such a way that you can cover the ant nest with a pot. Here's how to do it:

  1. Fill the flower pot with wood shavings.
  2. Put the pot upside down over the nest.
  3. Cover the drain hole with a heavy stone.
  4. Wait a week for ants to move into the sheltered pot area.
  5. Slide the spade under the pot and move the ant nest to a new location.

How do I keep more ants away from the root ball?

put Plant against nearby ants. Especially herbs with a high content of essential oils keep the small animals away with their distinctive smell. For example, you can use one of the following plants:

  • lavender
  • vermouth
  • thyme
  • marjoram

Some gardeners also sprinkle Cinammon above the earth. However, the smell of the powder only keeps ants away from the root ball for a short period of time.


Baking powder has a short-term effect against acute infestations

You can also use baking powder or baking soda insert. Mix the powder with honey or powdered sugar. If the ants eat it, they die.