Do eggshells help against snails?

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Do eggshells help against slugs in the garden?

Egg shells can be used as a slug deterrent in the garden, but their effectiveness is controversial. Crushed eggshells scattered around affected plants can be tried in combination with coffee grounds or sawdust. They also serve as fertilizer.

Are eggshells too hot for snails?

There is a rumor circulating on the internet that eggshells are too hot for snails and are therefore good to eat snail defense suit. Unfortunately, the former is nothing more than a rumor: snails can even crawl over razor blades without injuring themselves. The reason: they don't crawl directly on the ground but on their slime, which protects them from sharp and pointed objects.

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Do egg shells still help against snails?

In most cases, old home remedies and rumors still contain a grain of truth. Some die-hard gardeners swear by the effects of eggshells. Others, on the other hand, report no or very little effect in their experience reports.
Hence our tip:

Try it!
The home remedy is said to be particularly good in combination with other remedies such as sawdust or coffee grounds. It is also advised to use the shells of uncooked eggs.
An advantage of the eggshells: They also serve as fertilizer.

How are eggshells used against snails?

If you decide to give the eggshells a try, here's what to do:

  1. Crush the eggshells roughly in a cloth or in a bag.
  2. Distribute the shells generously around the affected plants.
  3. Give coffee grounds or sawdust added.
  4. To increase the effect, you can set up a "snail feeding area" elsewhere in the garden. Here you leave all kinds of treats for the snails so that they leave your beds alone and eat somewhere else.


Alternative to eggshells

A very effective alternative to eggshells is planting a snail fence. This method is mainly for limited areas such as small beds or flowerpots well suited.

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