Its importance in culture and nature

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What is the meaning of bamboo?

The meaning of bamboo is its symbolism of strength, resilience and endurance, its use as a versatile Raw material that serves as the main food source for pandas and its importance in natural medicine, especially in Asia Medicine.

What aspects make bamboo so special?

Bamboo now grows in several parts of the world. It is often planted because it grows into a stately plant within a few weeks Size obtained and usually survives the winter unscathed. It bends a lot through wind and snow, but doesn't break. He is hard like stone and on the other hand lighter as wood. Its leaves are suitable for tea and its sprouts are as food usable. In addition, a single bamboo plant can grow up to 15 km of bamboo poles in its lifetime!

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What is the symbolism behind bamboo?

In China in particular, bamboo is held in high esteem. The plant is considered a symbol of Elasticity, strength, endurance, vitality, flexibility, durability and resilience. The properties of bamboo are the values ​​that many people of Asia strive for. Therefore, citizens who embody the qualities of bamboo are valued. There's even a term that people like to put over it. It's called the "bamboo mentality".

How important is bamboo as a raw material?

Bamboo is of enormous importance as a raw material. It is considered stable and flexible at the same time. Since it is a rapidly renewable raw material, it is inexpensive and is often used as a building materialused. Not only in China, but also in Japan, Korea, Malaysia, India, etc. bamboo is used wherever possible. Whether for everyday objects, facades, furniture, fences, musical instruments, doors, bridges or earthquake-proof scaffolding - bamboo is versatile. Even textiles are made from bamboo.

How important is bamboo to wildlife?

Bamboo is also essential for the animal world of Asia. This is especially true for the pandas. These animals feed themselves almost exclusively from this plant. They prefer theirs leaves, but the fresh bamboo shoots are not spurned either. For other animals, the bamboo is less palatable and yet they use it, for example, for their nesting sites or as a hiding place and shelter.

Is bamboo important in medicine?

Bamboo is too important for medicine and especially in the naturopathy. The healing effect of bamboo is known. Bamboo extracts are popular in China to relieve fever, bronchitis and musculoskeletal disorders. Ayurveda and TCM see bamboo as important. Among other things, its high content of silicic acid stands out. This stabilizes all structures and tissues in the body such as skin, hair, nails, teeth and bones.


Give away a bamboo!

In China, bamboo stands for happiness and friendship. Therefore, it is often given away to loved ones. Give away a bamboo, for example as a bonsai! Such a plant is not only beautiful to look at, but also very easy to care for.

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