Nettle manure is so effective against ants

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How is nettle manure used against ants?

Nettle manure acts against ants through moisture and smell, which deters the animals and masks their scent traces. To prepare, mix 300g fresh or 30g dried nettles with 10L water and leave for 1-2 weeks. You can then pour the liquid manure undiluted onto ant nests or spray it diluted onto infested plants.

How does nettle manure work against ants?

Nettle manure acts through their humidity and the Odor double against ants. The animals are deterred by the smell of this agent. The agent thus fights both an acute ant infestation and keeps subsequent animals away from the location. The smell of vegetable manure also covers the scent trails that ants leave along their ant trails and that the animals use to orientate themselves spatially.

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How do I make nettle manure?

mix nettles with Water and let the liquid stand for 1-2 weeks. How to proceed with the production of the nettle liquid manure:

  1. Put 300 grams of fresh nettles or 30 grams of dried leaves in a bucket.
  2. Fill bucket with 10 liters of water and cover.
  3. Leave for a week or two, stirring daily.

The won nettle manure You can use it undiluted against ants, for example if you flood an ant nest with nettle broth. You can also use the broth diluted.

How do I use nettle manure against ants?

Pour Put the nettle manure on ant nests or fill the liquid in one spray bottle and bring this out. You can use the spray bottle to regularly spray areas infested with ants in the garden. Surfaces in the apartment are less easy to treat with nettle manure due to the strong smell of the fermenting liquid. Then keep ants away from these locations. In many plants, nettle manure acts like a natural one fertilizer. She fertilize the plants do this and do not emit any pollutants.

What should I not water with nettle manure?

You should not always water beans, onions and peas with nettle manure or use it diluted. Otherwise, over-fertilization can cause problems for the plants. Most flowers, on the other hand, tolerate nettle manure to a certain extent. However, you should pay attention to the amount of nettle manure. If necessary, dilute the nettle manure before using it against ants.


Nettle manure is also effective against aphids

If plants in your garden of aphids have been infested and are therefore often visited by ants, nettle manure offers you a good means of combating it. You can take action against both pests with this remedy.