This is how useful lavender oil is against ants

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How do I use lavender oil against ants?

Place lavender oil in bowls or spray diluted with water. The smell deters ants. You can use the oil to keep the ants away from certain places or interrupt ant trails.

Why does lavender oil work against ants?

Lavender oil spreads one for ants unpleasant smell. While the herb's scent is appreciated by many people, the plant deters ants. The animals give lavender a wide berth. The scent of the plant is found in a concentrated form in the ethereal oil of lavender.

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How to spread lavender oil against ants?

Make one Peel Lavender oil against ants on or spray the remedy. For example, you can use the shells to interrupt ant trails. By spraying you can keep even larger areas free of ants. If you want to keep the animals away in the long term, however, regular spraying of the lavender oil is necessary.

How do I use lavender oil against ants in the house?

Fill a spray bottle and spray the agent in cracks and access routes the ants. Treat the access routes and those places that ants have to pass through. Then you can keep the critters out of your house. Also

scent traces of ants can be covered with lavender oil. You can dilute the oil with water if you fill an entire spray bottle with it. The bottle gives you the opportunity to use it regularly.

What are the benefits of lavender oil against ants?

Lavender oil works effectively and at the same time has a pleasant scent. Across from vegetable manure this odor does not make itself felt unpleasantly by humans. You can therefore also use the lavender oil in the apartment. You do not have to obtain essential oils such as lavender oil from the violet plant yourself. You can simply buy the oil in specialist shops.

Which oils help against ants similar to lavender oil?

Also essential oils other herbs deter ants. Above all, the following plants are considered Home remedies for ants estimated:

  • lemon oil
  • thyme
  • marjoram

In addition to the herbal plants are also suitable within a limited framework Cinammon or coffee grounds to ward off ants. The funds can also help if you fear that ants will spread the aphid and therefore fight ants.


Get anthill to relocate

Apply lavender oil or plant manure to the ant nest. It is best to pour the liquid directly into openings in the burrow. The smell can encourage ants to move. If this method doesn't work, you can also kill ants with a flower pot and wood shavings relocate.