How useful is the plant?

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Is bamboo valuable for insects?

Bamboo provides little food or habitat for insects while growing, as its flowers are rare and lack nectar or pollen. An exception are insect hotels, which are made from cut bamboo stalks and provide wild bees with a nesting place.

Is bamboo valuable for insects?

A growing bamboo is useless to most insects. It offers them neither food nor good opportunities to hide and live.

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The blossoms arise too rarely and produce neither nectar nor pollen, so that bees ignore the bamboo. Beetles, ants, butterflies and other creatures also prefer to visit other plants.

It looks completely different when individual stalks are cleared from the bamboo and become one insect hotel(€19.00 at Amazon*) were repurposed.

How do you build a bamboo insect hotel for the insects?

In order to be able to build an insect hotel for insects, you need the cut stalks from bamboo. These should have holes with a diameter of about 10 mm. Some insects also accept narrower holes. The primary aim, however, is to provide wild bees with a home and a nesting place with the bamboo. Also make sure that the stalks are at least 12 cm long. Several straws stacked on top of each other result in an insect hotel, which can be bundled with cable ties.

Are there insects that harm the bamboo?

In fact there is isolated insectswho occasionally visit the bamboo to harm it. These include, for example, lice such as aphids and Mealybug, but also whiteflies.
They feed on the juices of the bamboo leaves. This can happen unnoticed at first. But at some point the leaves gradually turn color and the bamboo suffers from the parasitic infestation.

How do you get rid of annoying insects on bamboo?

If you have discovered insects on your bamboo that are visibly damaging, you should act as soon as possible. Seek the plant after the insects and removed you this. You can then use one South from nettles, tea tree oil, soft soap(€12.00 at Amazon*) or other effective insecticides the entire plant spray.


It is better not to plant bamboo and other exotic species en masse

Bamboo is one of the exotic species in this country. Both he and other exotic plants were bred sterile. The local insect world cannot do much with these foreign plants, which is why it makes sense to create a balance in the garden with useful local representatives.