An effective measure?

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Does straw really help against snails?

Straw is not an effective measure against snails, as it limits their movement, but creates a humid climate under the layer, which snails are particularly attracted to. Alternative methods such as snail fences or beer traps are recommended.

Why mulch beds with straw?

mulch - no matter what kind - has many advantages. These include, among other things:

  • It keeps moisture in the soil longer, so less watering is required.
  • It inhibits weed growth.
  • It protects against heavy rain, thus preventing erosion.
  • mulch(€27.00 at Amazon*) protects against frost and sun.
  • It also preserves microorganisms in the soil, resulting in better soil quality.

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All in all, that mulchinggardening such as watering, weeding and Fertilize reduced. The big advantage of straw as mulch: It can be obtained locally and is of good quality.

What are the disadvantages of straw on the bed?

But straw and others Types of mulch also have their disadvantages: This can lead to persistent wetness in the soil when there is a lot of humidity. And this is where the snails come in:

Snails love moisture, which is why they find it particularly cozy under the mulch layer. It is true that snails cannot move very well on straw, but they are happy to put up with this small inconvenience in exchange for the pleasantly damp shelter.

Keep snails away

You cannot deter snails with straw, but there are other effective means against snails:

  • Put up a snail fence.
  • Catch the snails with a beer trap.
  • plant Flowers that snails don't like.
  • Place them a raised bed.

Also, you should always water in the morning. If you water your plants in the evening, you create exactly that damp, wet climate that snails particularly like. Since the animals are nocturnal, they will enjoy this at night.


Mulch for strawberries, cucumbers and pumpkins

Straw is particularly popular for plants that produce fruit on the ground. The layer of straw protects the fruit from contact with the soil, preventing moisture penetration and premature spoilage.–Does straw help against snails?-Snails can difficult to move on straw.-However, a damp climate develops under the straw layer, which particularly attracts snails.-Straw is therefore not a sensible measure against snails.

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