This is how you entice them to feast

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Do birds eat snails and what species of birds do they prefer?

Birds eat snails as they are high in protein and serve as a food source. Snails are particularly fond of blackbirds, jays, magpies, crows, ravens, starlings and storks. ducks are known as the number 1 snail exterminator.

Do birds eat snails and why?

Birds are among them most common predators of snails. Not only do the pests provide birds with calories and water, they are also extremely high in protein - up to 12.8g of protein per 100 grams of snail! snail eggs are rarely eaten by birds as they are usually hidden under leaves. However, if you discover snail eggs yourself, you can uncover them and present a delicious meal to a bird.

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  • Sage against snails
  • Male fern manure snails
  • Hydrangea snail
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  • snails-in-the-garden
  • snails-in-compost
  • snail eggs
  • slugs
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Which Birds Eat Snails?

Snails are at the following, rather larger bird species at the top of the menu:

  • blackbirds
  • jay
  • magpie
  • Crow
  • ravens
  • starlings
  • storks

Small snails are also consumed by robins and fed to their young by bird parents.

Which bird is the #1 snail killer?

The number 1 archenemy of all snails are

ducks. With just a handful of "snail ducks" you can keep your garden snail-free. But: Keeping runner ducks is not easy: they need sufficient exercise and a pond, because runner ducks are swimming birds.

How do I attract birds to the garden to deter snails?

The more birds you have in the garden, the fewer problems you will have with snails. There are several ways you can attract birds:

  • Hang nest boxes for the named species on (hole size observe!).
  • Make sure bird baths on.
  • Offer the birds additional food in the fall and winter.
  • If you have a cat, protect the birds by protecting the trees - especially those with nest boxes! – wrap with cat repellent belts.

Which snails eat birds?

Unfortunately, birds do not distinguish between useful and harmful snails and will eat both slugs as well as shell snails. Some of the snails are even useful for our garden, as they eat pests themselves, such as e.g. B. the Roman snail, which also likes to eat eggs from slugs. Also the tiger snail, a black-spotted nudibranch that feeds on the eggs of its conspecifics.


Which animals still feed on snails?

In addition to birds, there are a number of other animals that, with a little skill, you can invite into your garden for a feast of snails. These include: hedgehogs, frogs and toads, blindworms and snakes, moles,Chicken,-shrews-and various beetles, beetle larvae and mites.