Compost leaves in plastic bags

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How do you compost leaves in a plastic bag?

To compost foliage in the plastic bag, layer the shredded foliage into the bag with compost, add compost accelerator added, seal the bag and poke holes for ventilation. After 6-12 months, valuable leaf soil develops Fertilize.

Why is it worth composting leaves in a plastic bag?

The foliage in the plastic bag is to be composted space saving and totally uncomplicated. It decomposes there just as well as on the compost.

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In addition, plastic bags are stable and can be easily carried to the place of use later after the foliage has decomposed. The Lauberde is after about 6 to 12 months done, depending on which foliage you composted. You can use them among other things Fertilize of rhododendrons, blueberries, broom, blackberries and raspberries.

Which leaves should not end up in the plastic bag?

Deciduous varieties, due to a high tannic acid content take a long time to completely decompose and should end up in the plastic bag. These include, for example, the following types of foliage:

  • walnut
  • poplar
  • plane
  • beech
  • Oak
  • chestnut
  • gingko

Instead, you should rather throw such leaves in the organic waste or take them to a recycling center.

Which leaves are ideal for composting in plastic bags?

The foliage of the fruit-trees in the garden is ideal for composting in plastic bags because it rots very quickly. You can also use the leaves of lime, maple, birch, alder, ash, elm and various berry bushes.

How are the leaves in the plastic bag composted?

layered or. alternately with compost, the leaves should be put into the plastic bag. Slightly damp foliage is ideal. In between, it is advisable to have one or the other compost accelerator and add other plant material. After the plastic bag (commercially available garbage bags are sufficient) has been filled, it is closed. Last, stab holes in so air can get to the leaves.

What is recommended before filling the leaves into the sack?

Before putting the leaves in the plastic bag, it is recommended to shred. You can simply use a lawn mower for this. Drive the lawn mower (with collection container) over the leaves that you want to collect. The lawnmower will shred it for you in no time.

How can the composting of the foliage be accelerated?

Through different plant parts and excipients you can accelerate the composting of the leaves in the plastic bag. It is advisable, green waste Or use kitchen scraps. These contain plenty of nitrogen, which accelerates decomposition. In addition, excipients such as stone flour, horn shavings(€50.00 at Amazon*) or horn meal and lime recommended. Even straw and small twigs can end up in the plastic bag. The variety helps the microorganisms to break down the foliage more effectively. The icing on the cake are special compost accelerator, which you can also make yourself.


Hide unsightly plastic bags

You can hide the filled plastic bags, which are quite unsightly, behind the gazebo, the composter, a hedge or within sparse bushes.