Fight ants on rosemary

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How do I get rid of ants from rosemary?

Ant infestation on rosemary often indicates aphids. aphid infestation you can recognize them by small animals and sticky leaves. Blast the shrub with a jet of water and mist the rosemary with it for two weeks nettle manure.

When does an ant infestation appear on rosemary?

If rosemary is attacked by many ants, there is usually one aphid infestation before. Basically, the shrub is not very popular with ants. However, as soon as lice get to work on him, that changes. The louse excretes a sticky residue called the ants wolf down. However, the sticky excretion ensures that the rosemary no longer grows properly. The needles can cripple. In addition, sticking together promotes fungal infestation. You should take action against the little animals so that the plant is not damaged.

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How to treat a rosemary with ants?

Shine the branches with one water jet and sprinkle over the rosemary nettle manure. In the case of a severe infestation, you can also cut off severely affected shoots. Rosemary tolerates pruning and usually sprout well again. Otherwise, proceed as follows:

  1. Blow off with a strong water jet.
  2. Spray nettle manure on the rosemary.
  3. Spray for two weeks.

Alcohol or a mixture of water, milk and neem oil have also proven effective as home remedies against aphid infestation. There are also many natural remedies Fight of ants.

Can I also use rosemary against ants?

ethereal You can use rosemary oils with her Odor also to deterrence used by ants. In this case, however, you should use a concentrated scent. This is not found in the leaves, but in the oil of the plant. The smell of the oil covers the scent traces that ants use to find their way around the room. In addition, the ants feel disturbed by the smell. Work even better than rosemary oil lavender oil, mint oil or lemon oil.


Spices are also good for deterring ants

Many spices also repel ants with their smell. For example, you can Cinammon or cinnamon oil, cloves or chili powder use against an ant plague. With baking powder you also have a natural ant killer at your disposal. So it's best to just take a look around your kitchen if you notice ants on rosemary or other plants.

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