The perfect plant for acidic soil?

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Does bamboo prefer acidic or alkaline soil?

Bamboo prefers acidic soil and grows poorly in alkaline substrate. A slightly acidic, humus-rich, nutrient-rich and well-drained substrate with a pH below 6 is ideal to ensure healthy growth.

Does the bamboo prefer an acidic or alkaline substrate?

The bamboo prefers one acidic soil. It grows poorly in an alkaline substrate. This is due to its origin. In China, it grows naturally in forests. The soil there is acidic, similar to that in the forests of Germany. Choose for the bamboo at Plant hence a substrate that exhibits a pH below 6.

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  • bamboo soil
  • plant bamboo
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Does bamboo need special bamboo soil?

Special bamboo substrates are commercially available. These cover the nutrient requirements and the demands of this plant particularly well and are also adjusted to them in terms of pH value. But such a special earth is usually expensive and not mandatory. However, if you are concerned that your bamboo is otherwise not good grow would, you are spot on with such an earth.

What happens when the soil is too alkaline?

If the pH is too alkaline, the Restricted nutrient absorption from bamboo. The roots then have problems absorbing nutrients from the soil and transporting them to the stalks and leaves. The result is yellow leaves that eventually turn brown and fall off. Gradually, the bamboo withers away until it dies. This happens above all from a pH value of 8.

How to help the bamboo quickly?

If you find that you have planted your bamboo in a substrate that is too alkaline, you must act quickly. pot plants you can just repot and thereby completely replace the earth. Is the bamboo in the outdoor, he will fetched from the earth. Then scoop out the soil in the planting area and then fill the planting hole with slightly acidic soil. For example, peat, forest soil and compost are well suited to make the soil more acidic.

What should the ideal substrate for bamboo be like?

Right from the start, the bamboo should be in the right substrate to avoid unnecessary stress. The ideal substrate for him should slightly sour be. In addition, it is important to humus rich, loose and permeable Choose soil to prevent waterlogging. Last but not least is for the bamboo too high content of nutrients crucial, since he is one of the heavy consumers.


Do not cover the soil with bark mulch!

The mulching with bark has many advantages. But the bamboo does not like bark mulch. On the contrary: bark mulch binds nitrogen and thus robs the bamboo of this nutrient, which it urgently needs to grow.

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