You can use this to keep ants away from plants

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How can I keep ants away from plants?

To keep ants away from plants, you can plant herbs such as thyme, lavender, juniper or wormwood. Home remedies such as vinegar, tea tree oil, cinnamon, lemon peel, garden lime(€19.00 at Amazon*) or coffee grounds are also effective against ants.

How can I deter ants from beds with plants?

There are a number of herbs, whose smell acts as a deterrent to ants. The Plant against ants contain a high proportion of essential oils. Their smell is quite appealing to human noses. Ants, on the other hand, avoid these plants. Planting the appropriate herbs in specific areas of the garden can be a good way to deter ants from those areas. Examples of herbs include:

  • thyme
  • lavender
  • juniper
  • vermouth

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  • Ant home remedies
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How well can I keep ants off plants with baking soda?

baking powder works deadly on ants. If you sprinkle baking soda, the animals will eat the powder. Then it floats up in the body of the ants and the animals die in agony. This remedy can be used in an acute ant problem. However, the powder also flies away quickly or dissolves when it rains. In addition, with baking soda you rarely catch all the animals that follow. In this respect, it is not necessarily a sustainable ant remedy.

What home remedies keep ants away?

You can Vinegar or tea tree oil spray on the spot. If you spray plants with it, an unpleasant smell for ants will be noticeable. You can also use these old home remedies to keep ants away from plants. Also cinnamon and Lemon peel sometimes used against ants. There are many effective home remedies that you can use to get rid of ants fight can.

How can I keep more ants from an ant trail?

sprinkle garden lime or coffee grounds on ant trails. Above all, dusty substances with a strongly basic pH value act as a natural limit. The alkaline pH value neutralizes formic acid and is therefore not entered by the animals. Sprinkle enough garden lime or chalk against ants, so that there are no gaps that the ants use as a path.

Why should I keep ants away from plants?

Ants don't harm plants themselves, but they do cultivateaphids. The animals excrete a sticky substance known as honeydew, which ants love to feed on. If the aphid infestation continues to spread, the leaves of the plants stick together. This slows down the growth of the plant and promotes fungal attack. If there is a large influx of ants, you should therefore intervene and keep ants away from the plant.


Relocate ant nest with clay pot

Have you observed a whole ant nest in your garden? Put a clay pot filled with wood shavings over the nest. The animals move into it within a week. Then you can move the nest to another location relocate. This also allows ants to be more closely located from undermining root hold

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