Getting rid of ants in the raised bed: what to do

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Ants in the raised bed

table of contents

  • Preventive action
  • Measures against ants
  • Relocate
  • Incense sticks
  • Spread smells
  • Herbal solutions and herbal manure
  • Biological means
  • Chemical club

Ants are useful animals, that is undisputed. In the raised bed, however, they are more of a nuisance than useful helpers. And many hobby gardeners know the problem: As soon as the raised bed has been set up and the first plants begin to sprout, the ants appear. They just make their way into the bed and are hard to get rid of. But there are also tried and tested means against these pests, which are actually pests.

Preventive action

You should take preventive measures so that the pests don't spread in the raised bed in the first place. The best thing to do is to ensure that smells are spread in the raised bed that the insects do not like.

This includes:

  • strong smelling herbs
  • Cinnamon powder

Strong-smelling herbs that pests dislike include:

  • thyme
  • lavender
  • marjoram
  • Cinnamon powder is particularly suitable for raised beds with ornamental plants

Tip: If you use cinnamon powder, you don't have to plant any herbs.

Lavender in the garden bed
Lavender in the garden bed

Measures against ants

If the little pests have already settled in the raised bed, you don't have to despair. Because with a few tricks you can remove or remove the insects. Get rid of. When using home remedies, however, it must be taken into account that some drive away the ants and others kill the pests. With the latter, you should definitely keep in mind that you are killing not only ants, but other beneficial insects as well.

Tip: The effects of the various home remedies that drive away the pests vary. It depends on the type of ant. That is why you should try different means.


It is best if you relocate the ant colony. To do this, fill a flower pot with soil and wood wool. Then put the flower pot upside down in the bed. Since the filled flower pot is extremely attractive to the ants, they will move into the pot. After two to three days, the insects should have moved into the pot. Then place the spade below the pot, lift it out of the raised bed and place it in a suitable place. With this simple strategy, you can get rid of the pests without killing the people.

Incense sticks

Since the little pests don't like certain smells, incense sticks can also help to get rid of them. Simply stick the incense sticks upside down in the bed. The smell will drive the insects away.

Spread smells

In addition to the use of incense sticks, you can also use other smells to help you get rid of pests.

This includes:

  • cinammon
  • Lavender flowers
  • Cloves
  • Chili powder
  • Lemon peel
PeperoniChili in a glass
Hot peppers / chilli in a glass

Block roads

Another variant is to block the access routes. Chalk powder and garden talk have proven themselves for this.

Lay out bait

You can also get rid of ants with a bait. Pour maple syrup mixed with boric acid into a vertical-walled vessel. The sweet smell attracts the insects and they fall into the trap.

Other biological baits are:

  • Honey water
  • Raspberry water
  • Sugared beer
  • syrup

Whichever bait you choose to use, it is clear that the insects will drown in the liquid. How effective the baits are is controversial. However, everyone agrees that you will not catch the entire ant colony with bait. In addition, not only ants go into these bait traps, but also other, desirable, beneficial insects.

Herbal solutions and herbal manure

In addition to planting herbs, herbal solutions also help to get rid of the little nuisances.

For such a herbal solution are suitable:

  • marjoram
  • thyme
  • Tansy
  • yarrow
Marjoram, Origanum majorana
Marjoram, Origanum majorana

For the herbal solution, add 40 grams of one of the herbs to one liter of water. Then put the herbal solution on the ant route. Herbal manure also dispel the pests with their smell. The best way to get rid of the insects is nettle or wormwood manure. When using it, however, it should be noted that this liquid manure also smells unpleasant for humans.

Biological means


Water from the garden hose or watering can also helps get rid of the pests. If the planting allows, then put the ant nest under water twice a day for several days. So the pests think that they have not chosen a favorable location and move.

connected water hose
connected water hose


Corn meal cannot be digested by the pests. Eat it, die.

Coffee grounds

The effect and type of effect of coffee grounds is controversial. So the smell is supposed to drive away the pests. Others believe that the caffeine is toxic to the insects and that they die from it.

baking powder

The effect of baking powder against the little pests is controversial. While some swear by it, others consider baking powder to be unreliable. What is certain is that the insects don't eat the baking powder, but the baking powder kills the ants. Because if you come into contact with the alkaline baking powder, the animals die of chemical burns.

Baking powder as a home remedy
Baking powder as a home remedy

Baking soda

Sodium hydrogen carbonate is available commercially under the name Natron. To attract the insects, mix it with sugar.

Tip: For baking powder to work, it must contain sodium hydrogen carbonate. If it contains potassium hydrogen carbonate, it is harmless to the ant colony.

Boiling water

A last resort to getting rid of ants is by pouring boiling water on the raised bed. Make sure that you not only kill the ants, but also destroy the plants in the bed.

Fight ants
Fight ants

Chemical club

The use of chemical agents is usually extremely successful. However, since with the use you bring substances into the ground that can also be harmful to human health, you should only as a last resort, as the toxins are absorbed by the crops and so into the human body. Also, keep in mind that chemical agents are poisonous not only to ants, but also to other animals and insects.