Tips for exciting nature observation

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Why is watching ants interesting for children?

Watching ants offers children valuable insights into the ecosystem and social structures. You can observe ants in nature or in a terrarium. Most species of ants are harmless as long as they are not disturbed.

Why should children watch ants?

Ants mediate as beneficials a deep insight into it ecosystem. The world of ants is interesting for children because they can observe from the animals that even the smallest animals take on enormously important tasks. The small crawling animal offers many children certain opportunities for identification. In addition, the ant colony reflects social structures. From the division of labor from the female worker up to the ant queen most children are also quickly fascinated. Use that Spring but for a walk in the woods.

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Where can I watch ants with children?

You can find ants either in the free Nature observe or the animals in one terrarium settle. The latter gives you the opportunity to observe ants in the living space or classroom. In recent years, many children have even bought ants as pets for their own rooms. If the animals are kept behind glass, you don't have to worry about ants in them

House make. Taking care of the animals is not that difficult either. Children can do this themselves.

What dangers do ants pose?

Most native ant species transmit no diseases, but however formic acid away. If the animals are distressed, they can secrete acid. This causes a certain burning pain on the skin. However, as long as children leave the ants alone while observing, the animals do not pose any danger. Only the pharaoh ant can ingest germs such as salmonella and streptococci House bring and transfer.


Target children's questions

When observing ants, children are usually quick to ask questions. If you pick them up, you can encourage children's inquisitiveness and curiosity. If you don't have a direct answer to a question, start looking for an answer together. There are many informative websites, great documentaries and children's books about ants.

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