Which variety is suitable?

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Which yew variety is ideal as a ground cover?

The best ground cover yew is the cultivar 'Repandens', also known as cushion yew or table yew. It grows up to 60 cm high and 180 cm wide, is evergreen, shade tolerant, prunable, hardy and easy to care for.

What is the best yew variety for a ground cover?

The ground cover yew, also known as cushion yew or table yew, is 'Repandens', a low-growing variety of the European yew Taxus baccata. 'Repandence' grows

  • maximum 60 centimeters high
  • up to 180 centimeters wide
  • spread flat

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and has many positive properties. That's the kind

  • very cut compatible
  • absolutely shade-tolerant
  • hardy
  • insensitive to root pressure
  • evergreen
  • adaptable and easy to care for

However, 'Repandens' is quite sensitive to late frosts and therefore occasionally needs protection. The variety also grows comparatively slowly at around 10 to 12 centimeters per year. You can do that kind too cultivate in pots, in which it grows overhanging.

When is the best time to plant a ground cover yew?

Preferably plant plant the ground cover when the late spring frosts are over. The end of May is a good planting time for this variety, as it can still take root and establish itself in the new location until next winter. Early autumn - ideally early to mid-September - is also good for planting. Choose a dry, not too hot day with a cloudy sky if possible and water the yews vigorously after planting.

How and where do you plant the ground cover vine?

The cushion yew needs a sunny to shady location on well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. You can even plant the variety in full shade, even there 'Repandens' will thrive. It is only important that the soil is well loosened and not too sandy. If necessary, you can also upgrade the soil with compost, after all, the yew has a fairly high level nutritional needs. The soil may be moist, but there should be no waterlogging - this leads to root rot and the plant dying. Plan one 'Repandens' yew tree per square meter of space.

What is the ground cover grater particularly good for?

'Repandens' can be planted as an attractive solitary plant, but achieves its optimal effect more extensively. So the variety is very suitable for border plantings, but also for Beds, borders and rockeries. You can also combine the evergreen ground cover with (flowering) perennials and other shrubs. Just make sure that the location and care needs of the different species harmonize with each other. For example, very suitable

  • hosts
  • cranesbill
  • elf flowers

Basically, there is no plant that does not harmonize with the yew. Incidentally, you can even cultivate 'Repandens' in balcony boxes, provided you regularly fertilize and pour.


Fertilize regularly for healthy growth

In order for the 'Repandens' variety to grow well and healthily, you should fertilize it. When planting, prepare the young plants with compost and horn splints for the right growing conditions. Later you also fertilize with these natural fertilizers. Alternatively, you can also use conifer fertilizer or blue grain, but the latter in particular is rather harmful to soil health.