Here's how to get rid of them

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How do I effectively fight ants in the cold frame?

To effectively combat ants in the cold frame, you can relocate ant nests, plant herbs with essential oils or spread scents. Limescale can disrupt ant trails, and natural predators like ladybugs also help protect ants.

When do ants in the cold frame become a problem?

If ant nests form in the cold frame or the ants aphids cultivate on the plants, you should react. An ant nest will undermine the base of the plants in your cold frame. Then the plants lose to the root their firm footing and can no longer draw as much nutrients from the soil. Sticky residue on leaves indicates an aphid infestation. In this case, you should clean the plants from the lice with a soft soap solution.

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  • Fight against greenhouse ants
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How can I relocate an ant nest from the cold frame?

With help of a flowerpots you can make an ant nest relocate without endangering the animals. Here's how to do it:

  1. Fill the clay pot with wood shavings.
  2. Put it over the ant nest.
  3. Leave for a week.
  4. Push the spade under the flower pot.
  5. Move pot with ants to another place.

In this case, choose a location that is far enough away from the cold frame. Otherwise the ants could soon be back in the cold frame.

How do I keep ants away from the cold frame?

plant Herbs with essential oils or keep the ants away with specific ones fragrances away from the cold frame. If you have the following herbs im bed plant, ants will make a detour around the bed in the future:

  • thyme
  • lavender
  • marjoram

You can also do any of the following home remedies sprinkle around the bed. The smell of these substances also deters ants:

  • Cinammon
  • Lemon peel
  • clove
  • Vinegar
  • tea tree oil

Does baking soda work against ants in the cold frame?

baking powder is deadly for ants. However, this control method has two disadvantages. On the one hand, you destroy the beneficial insects. On the other hand, they will not catch all animals. The natural ant poison evaporates quickly and is washed away by rain.

How do I interrupt ant trails to the cold frame?

If you lime scatter, you can interrupt the paths of the ants. Formic acid is neutralized with alkaline agents. For this reason, the animals do not cross lines of scattered lime. You can use materials such as the following to disrupt the ant trail:

  • algae lime
  • chalk powder
  • garden lime
  • bedrock meal

Before using this method, however, you should check whether the addition of lime to the plants in the cold frame or raised bed is a problem.


Natural predators help against ants in the cold frame

Instead of ant traps and artificial pesticides, it is better to use gentle home remedies or natural predators such as ladybug or set lacewings. Otherwise, pollutants could also spread in the cold frame with the control agents.