How to deal with ants on cucumber plants

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Are ants harmful to cucumber plants?

Ants on cucumber plants are not directly harmful, but they can indicate an aphid infestation. Get rid of aphids with soft soap solution and keep ants away with scent barriers like cinnamon, vinegar, lemon peel, or herbs like thyme, lavender, and tansy.

Are ants harmful to cucumber plants?

ants themselves damage the cucumber plants are not direct, but are even to a certain extent useful for your garden. The animals scavenge smaller garden debris from the ground and help improve the soil. Ant species such as the red wood ant prey on some caterpillars that move on plants. However, things are different when an ant nest settles under the cucumber plant or the animals are constantly crawling on the leaves of the plant. In this case, you should take action.

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Why Do Many Ants Crawl Around on Cucumber Plants?

Many ants on cucumber plants show aphid infestation out of. If the leaves are coated in a sticky substance, the aphid has probably spread to the plant. Ants feed on the sticky, sweet honeydew secreted by aphids. They take care of the animals and protect them from enemies. As soon as the leaves stick together more and more, the growth of the cucumber plant quickly slows down. In addition, the infestation with the pest favors

Diseases. To prevent this, you should react.

How to eliminate the cause of ants on cucumber plants?

Put one soft soap solution against the aphids. How to use this method:

  1. 1 liter of water with 1 teaspoon soft soap(€5.00 at Amazon*) and add some neem oil.
  2. Pour the soft soap solution into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray the cucumber plant with a jet of water.
  4. Then spray the plant with a soft soap solution.

Use this method every few days for about three weeks. You can get rid of aphids with home remedies. This discourages the ants from visiting the cucumber plant.

How do I keep scented ants away from cucumbers?

Use herbal plants or substances with disturbing Odorto keep the ants away from cucumber plants. You can say something like this home remedies apply to cucumber plants:

  • Cinammon
  • Vinegar
  • grated lemon zest

Alternatively, you can also grow the following plants near the cucumber plants or place a flower pot with them next to the cucumber. They are also unpleasant for ants:

  • thyme
  • lavender
  • tansy

How to break ant trails to cucumbers with lime?

Bring algae lime or garden lime above the ant trail. With the help of these substances, you can effectively interrupt the flow. At least when the lime is not washed away, the animals stay away from it. The substance is strongly alkaline and neutralizes formic acid. For this reason, the ants do not cross whitewashed surfaces. Soda or baking soda is also sometimes used to combat ants. However, with this substance you kill the animals.


support predators

In case of doubt, predators of the aphid support you in combating pests and ants on cucumber plants. These include, for example, ladybugs and lacewings.

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