How to get rid of the pests

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How do I protect my daisies from snails?

With a suitable location, ensure that your daisies can develop well. Finely crumbly soil keeps snails away. Hedgehogs and other beneficial insects feel comfortable in a natural garden and naturally reduce the number of snails.

Are daisies often attacked by snails?

daisies are very popular with snails, just like many other summer flowers too. An infestation is correspondingly frequent. However, it is only them slugs, which will be fatal to your daisies.

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Shelled snails, on the other hand, are not considered pests, they are quite harmless. The stately Roman snails can even help you fight slugs by eating their eggs.

How do I recognize a snail infestation?

Snail damage can be recognized nibbled leaf edges or holes in the leaves as well as the inevitable Slime traces of the snails. Don't wait until there's almost nothing left of your daisies, act immediately.

What can I do against snails on my daisies?

Ideally, plant Flowers that snails don't like

, like chamomile or savory, near your daisies. Regular treatment of the plants with lavender extract should also prevent snail infestation. It also helps to encourage beneficial insects such as hedgehogs or toads. At least they like to eat the small gray field slugs.

As a preventive measure against snails is also the soil and plant care to see. The snail eggs are fairly frost resistant. Therefore, you should create conditions that make egg-laying difficult. This is achieved through regular soil care, which ensures finely crumbly soil and prevents cavities in which snails like to lay their eggs.

Can my snail infested daisy be saved?

Are only a few sheets of yours daisy eaten, then the plant can be save easily, by protecting them from further feeding attacks. A treatment with lavender extract is helpful, as is collecting snails in the evening.
A badly eaten marguerite that practically does not leaves has more, on the other hand, can hardly be saved. You may still have a chance if you move the plant to a place that snails cannot reach, for example in the house or apartment, at least overnight.


Best protection: good care

No matter what diseases and/or pests you protect your daisies (or any other plant in your garden) would like to protect, the best measure is good care in the (preferably) perfect location. If a plant feels good, then it also has strong defenses and well-developed roots in order to be able to take care of itself and regenerate.