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Are astilbes endangered by snails?

Astilbes are unattractive to snails and therefore do not pose a threat. Regardless of the variety, location and care, astilbes are not eaten by snails because their leaves are indigestible for them. However, a protective effect on neighboring plants is small.

Are snails a danger to the astilbe?

Snails pose for that astilbe (Spear) practical never a serious threat represent. Not even in years, when there are countless in the garden bed slugs go on a journey, and no corner of the garden is spared from them. Although them the Astilbe, which is sometimes large heights reach, simply cannot remain hidden, do not dare approach them. Even if your favorite plants in the garden are few and far between.

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  • aster caterpillars
  • flowers-that-snails-don't-like
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Are all Astilben varieties unpopular with snails?

Yes, all Astilbe varieties are unpopular with snails and will not be eaten. Neither the tender sprouting in the spring, nor the panicles of flowers in the summer. This is what the observations show. Whether it is the upright, tall growing Japanese

splendor pier (Astilbe japonica), the creeping Chinese chinese chinensis (Astilbe chinensis) or hybrid chinese chinese bred. Also Location and Care have no bearing on their unpopularity with snails.

Why don't snails want to eat the astilbe?

The spiers do not spread an intense scent with which they can keep snails at a distance. Rather, their protection is hidden within their leaves. They are the way they are indigestible for the snails. The exact ingredients have not yet been researched further. Don't worry for humans and their pets Astilbe non-toxic!

Does the snail protection also affect neighboring plants?

The Astilbe is spared from snails. However, their protective effect on neighboring plants is likely small amount stand out. At most, closely adjacent plants could benefit from it. Otherwise it depends on the neighboring plant. If it is on the snails' favorite menu, there is a greater risk of being eaten in the vicinity of the astilbe.

Are other plants as slug-proof as Astilbe?

Flowers that snails don't likeare there many. But there are hardly any snail-resistant alternatives to the Astilbe for the unpopular shady spot. Here some examples:

  • wild garlic
  • fat man
  • Purplebells
  • forest goatee
  • woodruff
  • golden strawberry


Never reduce watering because of the danger of snails!

It is well known that moisture attracts snails. But the Astilbe do not have to and should not be put on a water diet for this reason. Even without this precautionary measure, the creeps are guaranteed to stay away from her. Instead, the moisture-loving Astilbe would dry up.

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