7 types of ticks in Germany: overview

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What diseases can be transmitted by ticks?

Ticks can transmit a variety of infectious diseases, with two diseases being more common than the other. The bacterial infection Lyme disease occurs in around three to seven percent of all tick bites and can be treated with antibiotics. On the other hand, early summer meningoencephalitis (TBE) is more dangerous, but you and your children (from the first birthday) can be vaccinated against the pathogen.

What is the risk of getting sick after a tick bite?

The probability that people in this country will contract the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) caused by the Crimean-Congo virus is, however, negligible. An infection with TBE is very rare, even in TBE risk areas (primarily in southern Germany) According to scientific studies, only between 0.1 and five percent of all ticks carry this virus wear. The likelihood of Lyme disease infection is also low - only between two and five percent of all those affected develop symptoms after a bite.

How can you protect yourself from a tick bite?

Since ticks do not strike immediately, they only look for a suitable one for some time Wandering around the sting point is a thorough search, especially after staying in tall grass Bushes etc. important. The animals particularly like to hide in the hollows of the knees, the crook of the elbows, in the armpits, in the neck and ear area, in the hairline, around the navel or in the genital area (v. a. in the groin area). Immediate showering will help rinse off any wandering specimens.

How do you properly remove a tick?

Since Lyme disease infections in particular are only transmitted one to two days after the bite, it is all the more important to remove a tick promptly. Use a pair of tweezers or tick tweezers and place the instrument close to the surface of the skin. Pull the tick straight out and do not twist it, nor should the animal be soaked in oil or oil. Adhesive to be treated. Then disinfect the puncture site with an antibacterial agent.

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