How does copper affect the animals?

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How do I use dimes against ants?

Ants bypass pennies. She is uncomfortable with ants and disturbs her orientation. Put the copper coins right in their way. Or place pennies on the ants' nest to scare away the creepy crawlies.

Why do pennies work against ants?

ants avoid copper. If you place dimes in their path, the animals will avoid it. Accordingly, you can definitely use your small change against ants. For example, you can use it to interrupt an ant trail or block cracks through which the animals enter House reach.

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How do I use dimes against ants outdoors?

Place the dimes in close proximity to the ant nests or on one ant trail. The smell of the metal disturbs the animals. It also covers the typical ones scent traces, which ants use to orient themselves in space. In this way you can drive away the animals and ensure that no other ants follow the same paths.

How effective are pennies against ants?

copper coins dispel ant infestation only short term and doesn't look particularly large. It is therefore particularly suitable for a targeted intervention in very specific areas. Block the entrances to the house or terrace for the ants. Or lay out the pennies directly on the nest. In contrast to agents such as cinnamon powder or

baking soda or baking powder, cent pieces still offer the advantage that you can easily pick them up again.

What remedies are more effective against ants than dimes?

With herbal plants and ethereal Oil ants can be driven away even more effectively than with cent pieces. Above all, the following plants and their oils have proven to be home remedies proven against ants:

  • lavender
  • lemon oil or lemon zest
  • thyme
  • tea tree oil
  • Cinammon

Outdoors you can also use nettle manure, lemon manure or tansy manure against ants.


Copper wires as an alternative

In addition to pennies, you can also use copper wires against ants. The wire is smaller and can be used even more flexibly than a copper coin. Some places in old walls can be safely closed off from the little animals. You can also use silicone to seal.