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How to get rid of ants in pavement?

Fragrances such as lavender, lemon peel or cinnamon can be used to combat ants in the plaster. Preventive paving stones should be on grit(€13.00 at Amazon*) and not laid on sand. Lime powder can interrupt ant trails and herbs such as thyme or lavender along the way also help.

What remedies help against ants in the pavement?

With certain fragrances you are good at ants keep away. For example, the following substances have a deterrent effect on the animals:

  • lavender
  • Lemon peel
  • Cinammon
  • chilli powder
  • cloves

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You can also mix lavender oil or lemon oil with water and spray it on the patch. The smell masks the scent trail left by the ants and deters ants. However, you should treat the patch regularly.

How to prevent ants in the pavement?

Don't put the patch on sand, but use it grit as alternative. Basically, ants like to burrow through sand and undercut the pavement. This is another reason why the animals are reluctant to be seen on the pavement. When you put the patch on

grit create, you can prevent this problem. There is also joint sand against ants. The better they close and seal small cracks, the less ants will be noticeable in the pavement.

What can you do against ant trails in the pavement?

With the help of powdery lime you can interrupt existing ant trails on the pavement. The following materials are often used for this purpose:

  • garden lime
  • algae lime
  • bedrock meal
  • chalk powder

The dusty powder with a basic pH neutralizes the acidity of the ants. Therefore, ants do not enter areas that have been sprinkled with it. If you use it to run through the ant trail on the paved surface, you will interrupt the animals' paths.

How do I plant roadsides against ants?

You can also do the following Herbs set up at the edge of the paved path:

  • thyme
  • lavender
  • marjoram

These plants are known to keep ants at bay with their scent. The essential oils found in the plants are responsible for this. If, on the other hand, you find a whole ant nest at the edge of the paved path, you should proceed consistently. You can flood the nest with manure and drive away the ants. Or you can relocate the ants before nest building gives you a larger mound of earth.

When are ants in the pavement a problem?

Only when the animals hit the pavement undermine or the aphid in the Garden bring, the ants become a problem. Basically, ants are beneficial. They dispose of smaller garden waste and even carrion. Natural waste disposal thus plays an important role in maintaining the ecological balance. A plague of ants can contribute to the spread of aphids. Aphids can Plant damage near the pavement.


Use baking soda for acute problems

Before you spread toxic substances on the pavement with ant bait, you stand with us baking powder A biological control agent against ants is also available. The baking soda is also deadly to ants. However, destroy them beneficials with it.