What are the disadvantages of the plant?

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What are the disadvantages of bamboo as a plant and building material?

Disadvantages of bamboo are its rapid growth, which often allows it to invade neighboring areas, the need for regular watering and care, sensitivity to location and when used as a material, difficult processing, long transport routes and low weather resistance to name.

Why can the roots become the enemy?

Many a gardener was annoyed about planting bamboo and was smarter afterwards. This plant from the sweet grass family likes to form underground root suckers. With them, bamboo spreads piece by piece and quickly takes over. Therefore, when planting bamboo, be sure to rhizome lock into the ground to prevent this.

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Why does bamboo need a lot of attention?

Especially in summer need bamboo water regularly. Since the summers in this country are often hot and dry, the bamboo has to be watered every few days. If it doesn't get enough water, its fine leaves will dry up fall off at worst. Also in the winter

should keep an eye on the water supply, as the plant is evergreen, so water evaporates and is dependent on regular watering.

Should bamboo be cut regularly?

Bamboo usually grows rapidly. Therefore, if you want to keep it at a certain size, you should shorten regularly. However, cutting is somewhat problematic, as the straws are extremely stable and cannot be compared with a conventional one hedge trimmer(€24.00 at Amazon*) clip. You will need a saw or sharp pruning shears for this.

Why isn't every location suitable for bamboo?

Although the bamboo appears to be quite robust, it needs a favorable location to thrive. Otherwise he could suffer, freeze or even dry up. Locations in one are best protected and sunny to partially shaded position. A north or east side where icy winds can prevail in winter should be avoided, as these can damage the bamboo.

What are the disadvantages of bamboo as a building material?

Not only the bamboo plant has a few disadvantages. Bamboo as a building material, which is highly praised and used more and more, also has disadvantages. This includes, among others, the difficult processing, because the stalks are very hard and stable. Another disadvantage is that the long transport routes (bamboo usually comes from Asia or Latin America) and this is at the expense of the environment. Also, bamboo not longing weather resistant. Dry air in particular damages bamboo. She makes him brittle.


Buy types of bamboo that are less complicated

There are numerous types and varieties of bamboo on the market today. When buying a plant, make sure you choose a specimen that is adapted to local site conditions and is hardy. Also recommended is a species that only grows clump-forming, but does not form any runners underground.