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How deep does bamboo root?

All bamboo species are so-called shallow roots. Fargesia, the common and popular garden bamboo, roots maximum 50 cm deep. Therefore, when Plant be careful not to put the bamboo too deep in the ground. If you do it anyway, you risk that the roots will rot due to lack of oxygen - the end for a bamboo.

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  • Limit bamboo
  • dig up bamboo
  • bamboo rhizomes damage
  • remove bamboo
  • destroy bamboo
  • bamboo-in-the-garden
  • bamboo runner
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Why can the root system cause problems?

Some bamboo species form fewer roots, but many more rhizomes. These are shoots that are below the surface of the earth and with the help of which a bamboo can multiply within a short time. The rhizomes stretch new bamboo stalks through the soil surface here and there. This can sometimes lead to problems, because not everyone wants one more and more uncontrolled growing bamboo stock. This could damage surrounding plants and buildings.

Which bamboo species tend to form runners and which do not?

while the Fargesia not to stolon formation tend, but grow clumpy, it's the Phyllostachys, who like to drive offshoots. Also heard

Pseudosasa japonica in addition. So when buying bamboo, be sure to pay attention to the exact description or name. the bamboo kind!

What can be done to stop the rhizomes?

Once planted and given the opportunity to take root properly, it is time-consuming to remove the roots or Bring rhizomes back under control. If you've already wandered them about the property and they're bothering them, you can only do them with some workremoved.

What is the best way to remove the roots?

First, remove the above-ground stalks. Only then is the root area due and is removed with a spade overturned. Sometimes it is already possible to remove the root ball to single out. If not, you must remain after rhizomes Look out and break them down with a spade or other tool cut through. Any rhizomes must be out of the ground removed otherwise the game will start over again.


Set rhizome barrier directly when planting

Prevention is better than aftercare. Therefore, before you finish planting bamboo, you should have a rhizome lock bring into the ground. This can be done, for example, in the form of pond liner, concrete, a fine wire mesh or smaller paving slabs.