Hydrangeas and Rhododendrons: A strong team in the garden

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How well fit hydrangeas and rhododendron together?

Hydrangeas and rhododendrons make a strong team in the garden. They complement each other not only in terms of their flowering time, but also in terms of nutrient requirements and location requirements.

When do hydrangeas and rhododendrons bloom?

Rhododendron flowers in May, early varieties show their flowers as early as March. As soon as the flowers of the rhododendron wither, the hydrangea begins to bloom. You can admire their magnificent balls of flowers all summer look forward to until autumn. By combining the two ornamental trees, you can achieve months of flowering in the garden.

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What location requirements do hydrangeas and rhododendrons have?

Hydrangeas and Rhododendrons thrive best in penumbra. A Location under sparse trees, none direct Sun exposed is ideal.
Both ornamental trees are flat-rooted. You need a lot Water and their substrate must not dry out completely. The plants do not tolerate waterlogging either. If not watered enough, the two shrubs can compete with each other.

Hydrangeas and rhododendrons prefer an acidic one Floor, one is recommended PH value from 5.5. lime both plants do not tolerate.

How do the nutrient requirements of the two plants differ?

Both hydrangeas and rhododendrons require one loose, nutrient-rich substrateto thrive. The nutrients are particularly important magnesium, iron, nitrogen and phosphorus. Regular fertilizer application is therefore essential. Specialty fertilizers for hydrangeas as well as for rhododendrons can be found in specialist shops. These products can be used for both plants because the composition is almost identical.


Use rhododendron soil for hydrangeas

Due to the similar demands on soil and nutrients rhododendron soil ideal for hydrangeas - even if no rhododendrons are planted nearby.