The ideal plant for bees

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Is calamint valuable for bees?
Calamint is a mint family very valuable for bees, because it provides them with plenty of nectar and pollen over a long period from June to October. In addition, it is also of great importance bumblebees, hoverflies and butterflies.

Does Calamint Attract Bees?

The fragrant lip flowers of the calamint can bees already out of the perceive distance and become almost magical in theirs banned. In addition to the smell of the flowers of this mint, it is also their color that attracts the bees.

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Because of its attraction to bees, calamint is worth planting in your garden or giving it one Location on the balcony or terrace in a bucket.

Why is calamint so interesting for bees?

Since Calamintha nepeta, also called stone quenelle, pollen and nectar contains, bees are interested in it.

Bees have a lot to do with the flowers, because the inflorescences consist of numerous small ones Single flowers that are light blue, light purple or white in color and form a host around the stem are arranged. Especially their nectar content is high. The bees therefore regard the plant as an important food source.

Is calamint valuable only for bees?

Calamint is not only valuable for bees - wild bees and honey bees - but also for other insects hungry for nectar such as bumblebees, hoverflies and butterflies are attracted to the calamint and like to replenish their energy stores there. Last but not least, humans also appreciate the calamint, because its leaves and flowers are edible.

How long can calamint be kept as bee pasture?

In order to be able to offer the bees a richly laid table of nectar and pollen throughout the summer, it is advisable to Cut stone quedel regularly. The faded inflorescences are simply cut off for this purpose. As a result, new approaches form and the flowering period can last until October.

In addition to pruning, it is important to also use this herb from time to time during the course of the
Care with fertilizer to provide enough energy for the new flower buds.


'Bee Choir' - a recommended cassamine for busy bees

Among the calamints there is a variety called 'Bee Choir'. As its name indicates, it is of great value to bees. Indeed she is with her abundance of flowers and their nectar content. So if you're looking for a really good strain, 'Bienenchor' would be a good candidate.